Chapter 24

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AN: Good morning everyone. These will be the last chapters of this story. I hope you all enjoyed it. 

Hiccup's POV

"That thing is huge!!" Astrid exclaims next to me.

Drago's maniacal laughter could be heard. "Surrender now, and I might spare you all!!" He yelled to the villagers who were cowering from the huge dragon behind their houses.

"Don't think that you will win this Drago!" I yell to get his attention off the villagers so that they will have a chance to escape.

Drago turns to me, looks at me up, and down, and then begins to laugh. "You sure got a mouth on you boy." He says. "Just who do you think you are to challenge me!!"

"The better question would be, who are you to challenge me Drago. The soldiers you had at the Murderous tribe were just so easy to beat." I yell at him, and watch as a look of frustration crosses his face. From the corner of my eye I noticed the glint from a mirror. I saw that captain Sigurn was among Drago's forces, and was trying to get my attention.

Drago now clearly frustrated swings his bullhook, and directs the giant gray dragon, who according to mom is a Bewilderbeast, to attack. Icy spires fired towards me but Toothless had already picked me up, and we were able to dodge.

Toothless loops in the sky giving off his famous shriek. Drago's men instinctively duck behind their shields, as cries of "Night Fury! Get down!" could be heard.

"A Night Fury." Drago said amazed. "So yer the so called Dragon master I've been hearing about."

"You know I prefer Dragon rider." I yell back.

"I alone control the dragons." Drago yells loudly. "And once I finish you, I'll have your Night Fury all to myself."

"Take control of it!" Drago yells to the Bewilderbeast. It's red eyes narrow in slits as it focuses on us. Suddenly Toothless begins to lurch, and tries to throw me off of him. "Toothless, Bud, hang in there. You got to block him out." I say trying to calm Toothless. "Come on Bud, you can do it."

The Bewilderbeast focuses more intensely on Toothless, who was trying to fight its control. The lurching got worse, and this time I fall to the ground landing on my right shoulder where the slash from Spitelout was. Seconds later I see Toothless crash to the ground, because he couldn't control his tailfin anymore. I groan, and sit upright holding my shoulder. 'I need to buy some time.' I think to myself as I see Toothless approaching me, his eyes narrowed in slits. The Bewilderbeast seems to have him under its influence.

"Now Dragon master." Drago says in a mocking tone. "Your end will be at the hands of your own dragon."

"Don't you mean paws Drago, or better yet claws?" I ask dryly catching him off guard.

"Huh?" Drago says not comprehending.

"Dragons have paws or claws, not hands. You'd think that someone who was around dragons so much would know that." I state trying to get a rise out of him. It apparently works, because Drago yelled back frustrated "It was an expression!!"

Drago now angier orders Toothless to shoot me. I hear the charge of the plasma blast, and jump out of the way just as it was fired. The plasma blast hits the base of a collection of ice spires causing them to come crashing down near Drago's position. As Drago was busy dodging the falling ice debris, and thus distracted, I took my chance and approached Toothless who was still staring at me through slitted eyes.

"Hey, Bud. It's alright. It's me Hiccup." I tell him, and hold out my hand. "Toothless please remember. You're my best friend, you got to block him out Bud." I say, and place my hand on his snout. I see his flickering. "Come on Bud, you can do it. You're stronger than him."

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