Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Hiccup's POV

(5 years ago)

"Hiccup look out!! Get out of here!!" I hear from behind me. The sudden shout startled me, and I whipped my head around "As..Astrid, w...what are you doing here." I said, while mentally I was screaming 'This can't be good.'

"Get down! There is a dragon!!" Astrid shouts, and runs toward me. I saw Toothless fire a plasma blast at the ground before her feet. Astrid is knocked back, and she crashes against a boulder.

"Bud calm down!" I yell to Toothless who is eying Astrid's prone body. I run to Astrid to check her condition, and find that she is only knocked unconscious, but still breathing. I see Toothless come closer to us to sniff Astrid.

"We need to go Toothless." I tell him. "We're taking a vacation..... forever." Toothless softly croons, but otherwise doesn't object. I lay Astrid down on the soft grass, and pick up my bag.

As Toothless, and I fly away from Berk I take one last look back before the island disappears under the clouds. "Maybe I'll be appreciated somewhere else." I mumble softly.

That night Toothless, and I flew for a couple of hours. I noticed a drop in speed after a while, and patted Toothless's head. "You're tired aren't you bud?" I ask getting a soft croon in response. "Let's find an island to camp for the night."

As we descend through the cloud cover I begin to notice very small islands scattered around the sea. These islands were devoid of trees. "Those don't look like good camping spot bud." I say when I notice a light in the distance. "I wonder what that is?"

As Toothless skimmed the water's surface the light I noticed was slowly growing closer. I could now make out the shape of a boat, and then a familiar flag insignia. "Toothless this may be our lucky day." I grin, and steer us towards the ship.

"Trader Johann!" I call out as Toothless lands on the ship's bow. A crashing sound could be heard from below deck. A man came up on deck screaming "What the devil!!" When he saw Toothless in the shadows he led out the most unmanly shriek I have ever heard.

"Johann. It's me Hiccup." I say while dismounting Toothless.

"Master Hiccup?!" Johann holds the lantern higher to see better. "By the Gods boy. What are you doing in the middle of the sea? And on a dragon no less?" Johann asked eying Toothless warily.

"It's a long story Johann." I sigh. "I'll tell you but I have a favor to ask."

"Ask away Master Hiccup." Johann says still looking at Toothless.

"Could Toothless, and I spend the night?" I asked nervously.

Johann looks at Toothless, who was just yawning. "Doesn't look very Toothless." Johann mumbled. "He won't turn my boat into fire wood will he?"

"No he's nice once you get over the whole offspring of lightning and death thing." I remark, and watch as Johann's eyes widen further.

"That's a Night Fury?!" Johann asks to which I nod. "Master Hiccup, I believe you have a very long story to tell."

That night Johann let me bunk in his cabin with him, while Toothless slept on the deck. Come morning as we were catching our food I told Johan the entire story up till the point Toothless, and I left. Johann is normally a cheerful person, but I've never seen him so mad.

"Master Hiccup I would personally sail to Berk, and give that damn stubborn father of yours, and your whole tribe a good talking to." Johann grumbled pulling a net with fish up from the side of the boat.

"No Johann! You can't tell them where I am!" I shout worried that dad would haul me back to Berk, and kill Toothless.

Johann seemed to have understood my panic, and says while eying Toothless who was hungrily looking at the fish "Fine but you, and your dragon should come to my village. I think that they would be a lot more open-minded."

"Where exactly is your village?" I ask not precisely sure where Toothless, and I ended up. "Should be half a day's sailing from here. My tribe the Northlanders are mostly traders. So they'll likely not throw axes on sight." Johann replies.

"What do you say bud?" I turn, and ask Toothless. All I get is a yawn as Toothless rolls onto his side. "Lazy lizard" I mumble earning a laugh from Johann.

As they day slowly passes a big island comes into view. Johann guides the ship into the port. But the village isn't quiet. Men, and women are running around shouting "Chief!!"

Johann stops one of the men to ask what all the commotion is about. The man simply answered that their chief has been missing for two days, ever since he, and his son went on a hunting trip, and so far the search parties haven't found them yet.

"Johann maybe Toothless, and I can help. He has a better sense of smell." I state, and gesture to Toothless who is now watching all the commotion. "I just need something of your chief so Toothless can track."

At this point some villagers notice Toothless on the boat, and more panic sets in. Shouts of "Dragon!!" could be heard. At this point I was getting annoyed at their scrambling. I climbed upon the bowsprit of Johann's boat, took a deep breath, and yelled.


Suddenly all the villagers forgot their panic, and looked at me in astonishment. Johann simply chuckled "Master Hiccup you sure have a pair of lungs."

Slightly blushing from Johann's comment I continued speaking now that I had their attention. "This is Toothless, he's with me. He won't hurt you." I say pointing towards Toothless.

The villagers while still apprehensive had calmed down after they noticed Toothless not trying to kill them.

"Now he may be able to track your chief if you have something with his scent." I needn't say anymore as the villagers dashed to get some of the chief's items.

Soon there lay a pile of items ranging from clothes to a jug on the deck. I turn to Toothless, and ask "Bud can you help them out?"

Toothless rose, and began sniffing the pile. He then raised his head in the air, and continued sniffing. Soon Toothless was sniffing the air while walking through the village. The villagers parted giving us room. As Toothless neared the forest edge I suddenly saw him stiffen. He motioned for me to get on his back. Then we took off into the forest, with some villagers following close behind.

It took us nearly half an hour before we reached a ravine. Toothless motioned towards it. As I looked down I could make out something on a small ledge, which was sticking out.

The villagers who followed us also spotted the huddled figure. One of them called out "Anyone out there!"

Soon I noticed a part of the figure move. It was a small boy, possibly no older than 5 or 6. He was waving his arms desperately, and yelling "Help!! Daddy broke his foot!!"

The ravine was very steep, and the villagers could not get to their chief, and his son. I motioned for Toothless to fly into the ravine, and hover near the ledge. Gasps from the villagers could be heard as they watched the scene.

As we neared the ledge the young boy shrank back when he saw Toothless. "Hey it's gonna be ok." I tell the boy, and motion to Toothless. "This guy won't hurt you."

The boy peaked out from his father's arms, and stares at us.

"I need you to come over here so I can take you up." I tell him, motioning for him to come closer.

"But my daddy." The boy turns back towards his father, who I now notice is also watching us.

"Taavi" The man rasps out. "Go towards them."

The boy nods, and slowly creeps along the ledge towards us. I notice that the ledge is crumbling. As I snatch up the boy in my arms the ledge completely crumbles, and the chief falls down. I yell at Toothless to dive, and he manages to catch the chief in his paws. Slowly we ascend towards the awaiting villagers who have already called their healer.

As I place the chief on the ground, and dismount with his son he turns to Toothless, and I. "Young man you have saved both my son, and I. If there is anything I could ever do to repay you." 

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