Chapter 20

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AN: Hello to all my readers. I'm going to be extremely busy tomorrow celebrating my grandpa's Birthday so I'll be giving you tomorrow's chapters now. I hope you all enjoy.

Hiccup's POV

"Hiccup is this such a good idea?" Astrid asked me from under the shrub she was hiding.

"I really don't know, but I want to check if there really was a rider captured." I tell her, while looking towards the enemy camp where the village of the Murderous tribe used to be.

"This is strange." I mumble. "I don't see Drago's armada, but there are still too many guards to take on ourselves."

"So what now?" Astrid asks as she comes to sit beside me, and looks through the spyglass. Before she can comment on anything else we hear the snapping of a branch near our position.

Our dragons are suddenly on high alert, and begin to sniff the air. Windshear suddenly begins to growl at a bush a couple of meters away. The others soon join. "Come out whoever you are!" Heather hisses, while raising her double axe.

"Wait! Please don't hurt us!" Came from the bush as three young children poked their heads out.

"How didn't we notice them?" Snotlout asks as we watch the two boys, and girl come out in the open. They were covered in scratches, and bruises, and dressed in rags.

"We're good at being quiet." The little girl who could be no older than seven says. "yeah, if we weren't we'd get hit more." One of the boys comments.

Toothless, and the other dragons came closer to the children trying to sniff them, but that just startled them more. I quickly put my hand on Toothless's head "Bud, can you guys back up a bit. You're scaring them." I tell him.

Soon the dragons were watching from a distance away. The children were looking at me slack jawed. "You're the Dragon master." The little girl exclaimed. "You're not so scary looking."

"Is it true you can talk to dragons?, Can you breath fire?, I thought they said you were ten feet tall?" Were the questions coming from the boys in succession.

I hear snickering from behind me, and see the other looking at the scene. "What?" I ask in exasperation.

"Oh, nothing cuz, you're just so good with kids." Snotlout simply says.

"Hold on you guys." I quickly say to calm down the kids. "I think introductions are in order." I tell them, and point to the others. "That's Snotlout, Heather, Astrid, and I'm Hiccup."

The kids began snickering. "Your name's Hiccup?" They ask. "Who names their kid Hiccup?"

I sigh. "What are your names then?"

"I'm Bjarni." One of the boys introduces. "And this is my little sister Herta."

I look towards the other boy "I'm Eluf." He says shyly.

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