Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Astrid's POV

"SON OF A HALF TROLL!!!!" I scream as I bang against the door. For the past two days I've been locked up in my own bedroom under the chief's orders. When Snotlout came to get me he had such a look of pity on his face. I should have taken that as a sign to take my axe with me. I then might have made my displeasure at the chief's decision truly known.

After Stoick told me about his decision to have me wed the Dragon master to gain his alliance in the fight against Drago I actually lost it. The guards tried to restrain me but I ended up injuring several of them in the process.

Stoick ordered that I be confined to my room until the Dragon master would come to Berk. The missive had already been sent with the meeting scheduled eight days from now. I was then taken back to my house where the guards proceeded to remove all pointy, and/or sharp objects from my house (for their own safety). So for the last two days I've been under constant guard yelling some very colorful words.

On the morning of the third day the guard that usually brought the food was replaced by a very pregnant Ruffnut.

"Good morning Astrid. Still scaring the guards?" Ruffnut asked as she motioned for the guard who was carrying two trays of food to put them down, and leave. The guard looked skeptical at her. "Leave, otherwise I'll show you just why I worship Loki!!" Ruffnut yelled at the guard, who then scurried out of the room like his pants were on fire.

"Can you believe this!!" I say to Ruffnut, while angrily poking my food. "The chief is simply handing me over to this Dragon master for an alliance. All because he hates me."

"Astrid..." Ruffnut begins, but I cut her off. "You can't tell me that you didn't notice it. Ever since... ever since Hiccup's death he has been like that." I say angrily wiping some tears from my eyes.

"The village doesn't seem to care either." Ruffnut says. I turn to look at her. "What!!" was all I said.

"It was announced in the Great Hall yesterday. No one said anything in your defense. Not like it would have mattered. The chief's mind seems made up." Ruffnut tells me. "They are currently preparing the village for the Dragon master's arrival."

"Oh Gods Ruff, what am I going to do?" I say while putting my head in my hands. "The chief is literally selling me to that Dragon master to do with as he pleases."

"You know Astrid, on the day of his arrival the guards will probably be distracted." Ruffnut remarks offhandedly. I stare at her with wide eyes. "Ruff."

She leans in closer, and whispers "Gather what you need. Behave the next few days. The guards will let their guard down. After you have been dressed for the wedding be ready to move."

As Ruffnut finished telling me this I looked at her. She had that mischievous look in her eyes. "Be ready. You'll know when." She said just as the guard returned to the room to escort Ruffnut outside.

For the next five days I stayed quiet. The guards were wary at first, but they slowly dropped their guards just like Ruffnut said. I had packed what I needed, and hid it under my bed. I still wish I had my axe, the one that Hiccup made for my 8th birthday, but that was the first thing the guards confiscated.

Today was the day the older women of the village would come help with my wedding preparation. I was put into baths with sweet smelling oils. Given advice about the wedding night by many of the ladies. As night fall was nearing I was put in a white flowing dress, and my hair was braided in an intricate bun. A flower crown was then put on my head, and I was escorted back to my room by the guards.

Ten minutes of waiting in my room I suddenly hear sounds from the other side of the door. Then two thuds against the wall. I quickly grab the bag from under my bed just as the door opened to reveal Fishlegs, and Snotlout.

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