Chapter 7

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Hiccup's POV

There was sunlight hitting my face. I groan, and blearily open my eyes. I notice the softness under me, and try to take a look around. My eyes catch Taavi whose head was resting on the bed in which I found myself. There is movement near the foot of my bed. I swiftly turn my head, and see Toothless happily staring at me. The sudden motion on the bed awakened Taavi. A smile forms on his face as the boy sees me awake.

"Big brother is awake!" He shouts happily, and crushes me in a hug. Taavi then gets off the bed, and dashes out the front door. I was still confused. How did I get back to the Northlanders? The last thing I remember was falling into an inferno. As I ponder this the front door opens again, and in walked Taavi with his father who was followed by a green Gronckle.

"You gave us quite a scare there lad." Ingvar says. "You've been out for four days."

"Four days!!" I shout. "Wait how did I get here?"

"Now that was a sight to see lad. When you told us dragons were friendly we weren't expecting you to come back with an entire flock." Ingvar chuckles.

"A flock?" I ask looking absolutely bewildered.

"Aye, you were unconscious on this Gronckle's back, and yer dragon was being carried on a Typhoomerang." Ingvar replied while giving the green Gronckle a scratch.

"You're the one that brought me here aren't you?" I ask the Gronckle who gives a happy croon. "Well thank you." I tell her happily as I scoot out of bed to give her a scratch.

As my feet touch the ground I immediately know something is wrong. I look down, and see a prostatic where my left leg would have been. Toothless makes a sad sound, and Ingvar sighs. "The damage was too much, and yer leg was getting infected. We had no choice but to amputate Hiccup."

I nod, as I let it slowly sink in.

"You two must have been in one hell of a battle for all the damage. We couldn't even salvage yer dragon's harness. We wanted to make you a new one, but our smith couldn't replicate the design." Ingvar tells me sadly.

"Don't worry about it. I will have to redesign Toothless's harness to fit a prosthesis anyway." I tell him when realization hit. "That flock of dragons must have been from the nest!"

"The nest Hiccup? The nest that generations of Vikings are searching for. That nest?" Ingvar asks, his eyes widening.

So I proceeded to tell Ingvar, and Taavi about the battle, and the giant creature, which was controlling them. After I was done with my tale Taavi suddenly shouted "That's why all of them are hanging around!"

Now both Ingvar, and I are looking at Taavi for an answer. "That thing was their leader right." He states, and I nod. "Toothless, and you beat it, and you said the dragons also helped by firing at it." Again I nod. "Then they must think that you both are their new leaders. You know like a conquest thing." Taavi states.

"It would make sense." Ingvar stated. "They haven't left after bringing you here. I think we should test my son's theory."

And test we did. As soon as I was better, and designed a new harness for Toothless we flew to our island. The majority of the dragon flock followed us. Those who had found human friends decided to stay with the Northlanders. That green Gronckle, which was named Rocky had taken a liking to Ingvar, and Taavi.

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