Chapter 1: Jack

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Jade is the daughter of Bruce Wayne aka batman. Her mother died when Jade was only 2 years old. Jade is 4 years old. Right now Jade is sleeping on her fathers lap while he's in a meeting at work. With Bruce being a single parent Jade sometimes comes with him to work. After an hour or so Jade wakes up. She's in her fathers arms being carried around. "Daddy where are we going?" Jade asked. "We are leaving my work." Bruce replied as he stepped off the elevator. When he stepped out Mr.Fox was right there.

"We have a problem." Mr.Fox said. "What?" Bruce asked. Mr.Fox lead Bruce to the huge glass window. There was a huge shoot out going on in the streets. "What would you like me to do?" Bruce asked. "You know what I want you to do" Mr.Fox replied. Bruce sighed and handed Jade to Mr.Fox. "I can't watch her." Mr.Fox said. "Your going to have to." Bruce replied as he pressed the button to the elevator.

Mr.Fox looked at Jade. "Hi." Jade said. "Hi." Mr.Fox said back. He put Jade on the ground. "Want to play hide and seek?" Jade asked. Mr.Fox looked around. There was only desks. Thinking that it would be an easy game he replied with sure. "Ok I'll hide and you find me. Count to 30 and no peeking." Jade said. Mr.Fox closed his eyes and covered them with his hands. Jade looked around for a spot to hide. She thought it would be to obvious to hide under one of the desks so she went over to the outside door and opened it. She walked outside and sat on the sidewalk. He's never going to find me she thought.

She's was right after about 5 minutes he couldn't find her. She stood up and went back into the building. Mr.Fox was looking under a desk. "I give up you win." Mr.Fox said. "Yay." Jade said as she capped her hands. Mr.Fox bummed his head when he tried getting up. "Where did you go?" He asked "I can't tell you. But I get to go again since you didn't find me." Jade tells him. "Ok fine." Mr.Fox said. He turned around and closed his eyes. He started counting.

Jade went back outside. This time she didn't sit down. She walked down the street. She turned the corner and walked more. After walking for a bit she felt rain drops. So she turned back. But she didn't remember which way she came from. She was walking down an alley then she sat down her feet hurt from all the walking. She was starting to get sad because she misses her dad. She then started crying.

"What's wrong." An unfamiliar voice asked. She looked up to see a man with scars on his face. "I miss my daddy." Jade said. "Are you lost?" The man asked. She nodded her head. "What's your dads name?" He asked. "Bruce." She replied. "Bruce Wayne?" The He asked. She nodded her head again. He held out his hand. She hesitated to take it but she did. They started walking as they held hands. "Do you know where my daddy lives?" She asked. "He lives in the biggest mansion in Gotham." The Man said. "What's your name?" Jade asked. "Jack." He replied. Jade laughed a little. "I like your name. My name is Jade." She said. After about 10 minutes of walking jade's feet started to hurt. She looked at Jack. "My feet hurt can you hold me?" Jade asked. Jack picked Jade up. Jade smiled as she looked at Jack. "Is it the scars?" Jack asked. She placed her little hand on his scars. He flinched but stopped himself. "I like them." She replied. Jack smiled.

Mr.Fox was freaking out. He couldn't find her. "Jade I give up. Please come out now." He said worried. "What's wrong?" Bruce said. Mr.Fox was startled by his voice. "Where's Jade?" Bruce asked. "We where playing hide and seek but I can't find her anywhere. I've looked for 30 minutes. I think I lost her." He replied. "Jade where are you?" Bruce called. But no answer. They looked everywhere but couldn't find her.

"Maybe she went outside to find you?" Mr.Fox said. It was already getting dark outside. They went outside and looked for her. They got in Bruce's car and drove a few block but still no sign of her. "Maybe she went to find you at your house." Mr.Fox said. "She couldn't have gone all the way there." Bruce said. "Just a thought." Mr.Fox replied. Bruce sighed and started driving to his house.

Jack sat Jade down at the door step of the mansion. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a Joker card. He knelt down. He gave the card to Jade. Jade hugged him. He was surprised at that. "Thank you." Jade said. "Your welcome." Jack said then stood up. Then he left. Jade knocked on the door. Alfred opened it. He was on the phone. "Sir, I found her. She's at the door." Alfred said into the phone. "Yeah she's ok but...." Alfred took the card away from Jade. "There's a problem." He said as he looked at the Joker card. "Ok." He said then hung up the phone. Jade came into the mansion. "Your father will be here soon." Alfred said.

Bruce rushed home. When he got there he called for Jade. Jade came to him. "Where did you go?" He asked. "Sir, you might want to see this." Alfred said as he handed Bruce the Joker card. "She had that in her hand when she came in." Alfred said. "Where'd you get this." Bruce asked. "Jack." Jade said. Bruce was mad. "Did he hurt you." Bruce asked. "No, he carried me here when I was lost and gave it to me when he left." Jade said. Bruce was surprised that he didn't hurt her and that he did something so nice. "Ok I think it's bedtime for you." Bruce said then took her up to her room.

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