Chapter 14: Doctors

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I woke up in the middle of the night and got that feeling like I was going to puke. So I ran into my bathroom and did just that. I put my hair up and sat by the toilet for the next half hour. When I thought was done and was just dry heaving once in a while I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen and got a cup of water. I got some medicine and took some. Then brought it back up with me when I went back to my room.

I sat the bottle of medicine and water on my nightstand so I could take some on the morning. I have to go to the doctors in the morning to see what's wrong with me. I was fine when I went on the date with Joker and now I'm like this. What the heck! I laid on my bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up again it was 12:22. I guess when your sick you sleep in. I took the medicine and drank the water. I take a shower and put on a blue shirt and skinny jeans. I walk downstairs. I grad my keys and purse off the counter. "Where are you going?" Alfred asked. "Doctors I don't fell good still." I told Alfred. "I'm sure you'll start feeling better soon you just have to give it time." He replied. "Yeah but it's a on and off thing. I feel good one minute then other I'm puking everywhere. I'm not just sick it feels...different. " I said. "Do what you must miss Wayne." He says. "I'll be back in like a hour or so." I said then walked out of the door.

I went into my car. My stomach growled. I smiled. McDonald's it is. I went to the drive threw and got a hash brown, Carmel frappe, and a sausage burrito. I take a sip of my Carmel frappe. Thats weird. It didn't taste good. I sat it down. They must have made it differently or something. I ate my food as I drove to the doctors.

When I got there I finished my hash brown and got out. I went inside and went to the sign in sheet. After I signed in I sat down and waited for my name to be called. This is boring. I'm just sitting here staring at a wall. I pick up some magazines that are on a table and look through them. When my name was finally called I went in and waited for a doctor to come in. I looked around the room. I wonder what Joker is doing a right now. I should talk to him today. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor came in.

"Hello miss Wayne. What seems to be the problem?" He asked. "Yesterday I woke up puking then I was perfectly fine after I took medicine then today I woke up puking again so I took medicine and I feel better now. Why does this keep happening?" I said. "Sound like morning sickness. You think you might be pregnant?" He asked. "I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. So I don't think so." I told him. "Well you know those things aren't always right." He says. "So your saying I could be pregnant?" I asked. He shook his head yes. I sighed. "But we have to get a blood test to know. I'll be right back." He says then left. Are you kidding me! I could be pregnant! This is bad. Really bad.

When the doctors came back in he had a needle in his hand. I hate needles. He stuck it into my arm and took some blood. "Okay miss Wayne that's it. I'll give you a call tomorrow when the tests are in and tell you if your pregnant or not." He said as he put a band aid on me. "Thanks." I said then left.

I drove back home and then went into the house. "How'd it go?" Alfred asked me. I put my stuff down. "Doctor said I could be pregnant. He said that pregnancy test aren't always right and then took my blood test. He'll call tomorrow and tell me if I am pregnant or not." I told Alfred. I turned to leave. "What if you are pregnant?" He asks. I turn back around. "Then let's hope dad doesn't freak out and that I'm a good mother." I replied then went up to my room.

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