Chapter 20: Henchmen

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I woke up to the sound of a baby crying. I sighed as I got out of the bed. I looked to the other side of the room where it was coming from, There was a crib. Joker was standing by it. He was holding what appeared to be a baby. He wasn't facing me so I couldn't tell. "Shh shh shh it's okay." Joker told the baby as he cradled it. I smiled. That's cute. The baby cried louder. As I got closer I seen Joker had a knife and he had it to the baby's face. "Let's put smile that face." He says as he starts carving a smile onto the baby's face. "Joker!" I Yell. He looks at me. He puts the baby down in the crib. "It's mommy's turn." He tells the baby then looks at me. "Joker please don't." I beg. He slowly walks towards me. "Why so serious?" He asks. I try backing away. But he comes at me with the knife. "No Joker stop!' I cry. He puts the blade in my mouth and-

"Jade!" I open my eyes. I was still in Joker's bed. I was sweating and shaking. I also had tears going down my face. "What happened?" Joker asked. I put my hands up to my face and cried more. He pulled me to him. I cried into his chest. "You kept saying don't Joker and please stop Joker. What was I doing?" He asked. "Killing our baby." I replied. He was silent for awhile. "You know I'd never do that, right?" He said. I shook my head yes. "I know but it felt so real. Then you came at me with the knife and-" I didn't finish I just cried into his chest more. "Shh shh shh it's okay." He said. I cringe. " Don't say that." I told him. "Why?" He asked. "That's what you said to the baby before you killed it." I replied. "It was just a dream." He told me. I fell back asleep in his arms.

When I woke up Joker wasn't beside me. There was a note on his pillow. I read it. I went on a little mission I'll be back. If you need anything tell the henchmen. If they touch you kill them. Then he puts a smiley face. I smile. I get out of bed and look over to the side of the room. I was kinda making sure a crib wasn't there for some odd reason. There wasn't. Thank god. I went into his bathroom and took a shower. When I got out I put on his purple long sleeve button up Shirt and put my skinny jeans back on. Nothing of his would fit me for bottoms. I brushed my hair with a comb. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I'm a little Joker. I then went downstairs. All of the henchmen looked at me. Then behind me. I guess they where expecting Joker to be behind me.

I ignored them and went into the kitchen. There where two henchmen sitting at the bar that was connected to the kitchen. They both are muscular and pretty cute but Joker was hotter. I smiled to myself. "Something funny?" One asked. "Nope." I replied. I opened the fridge and got eggs out. "Blade, I wouldn't piss her off. Joker said that if we do anything to her, he will kill you." The other said. "I'm not gonna wait until Joker gets here for you to die when I can do it myself." I say as I get out a pan and place it on the stove. "I'm Twitch, nice to me you." The henchmen said. I turn to him. "I'm Jade, nice to meet you too." I say. "This is Blade. Those three over there are Bow, Marbles, and Blister." He tells me and points to the men on the couch playing games on the T.V. "Nice names." I say. "Yeah, it's our nicknames Joker gave us." Twitch said.

Twitch had blonde messy hair and blue eyes. While Blade had black hair and green eyes. Twitch was nice for a henchmen. "You must be Joker's new toy." Blade says. I crack eggs and put them on the pan. "Nope. I'm his girlfriend." I replied. "Girlfriend? I wouldn't say that. Boss doesn't have girlfriends. Even with Harley. She was aways just a toy for him." Blade says. "Well Harley is a little whore." I told him. "And your not?" He asked. Twitch punched blade in the face making him fall on the floor. "Thanks Twitch." I say. "Your welcome." He replied. I put toast in the toaster. Blade sat back on the stool. His nose was bleeding but he just wiped it with his sleeve.

"I still think your his toy because of they way he yelled at you last night. Then you ran out of the house." Blade said. "I guess that means you didn't see her come inside the house because Joker was carrying her. He doesn't carry Harley places." Twitch told Blade. As I was putting the eggs on my plate I realize I made to much. I got a second plate out and put it on there. "Did Joker say you two where dating?" Blade asks. "Yeah and he told me he loved me." I replied. The toast popped up. I put two on one plate and two on the other. "He must be playing you real good then. He doesn't love." Blade said. I buttered the toast. "Does he get pregnant every girl he plays then leaves them?" I ask. Blade looked confused at first. "Your pregnant?" Twitch asked. I nodded my head yes. "With his kid?" Blade asked. "Yes, with his kid." I replied.

I put forks on the plates. "That's unbelievable." Blade says. "Twitch are you hungry?" I ask. He nodded his head yes. I hand him the second plate. "What?! Why don't I get one?" Blade asks. "Twitch is not a asshole like you." I say then smile. I take my plate to the living room and sit down on the couch no ones at. "Are you guys playing call of duty?" I ask. They look at me surprised. "Yeah wanna play after this round?" One of them ask. I believe his name was Bow. "Yeah." I replied. When I was finished eating they let me play with them. I loved this game I play it all the time. They where surprised when I beat them to. "A girl just beat me at my favorite game. Wow." Marbles said. "I was going easy on you. I call a rematch." Bow said. "It's on." I replied.

When we where playing all four of us where so into the game. We where yelling and screaming at the T.V. Then they where all silent. On the screen the guys weren't moving so I looked at them. They where looking at the door. I follow their gaze and see Joker with some other henchmen at the door. "Don't let me ruin your fun carry on." Joker told them. They looked back at the T.V and continue to play but more calmly as did I. Joker went upstairs. When the game finished I was in second place. Bow was in first. "I told you I was going easy on you." Bow told me. "Want to play again?" Blister asked. "No, I have to go comfort old grumpy pants but maybe later." I told them. I put my plate in the sink. Blade was still at the counter. "Look you're not gonna tell My boss anything I said right?" He asked. "No, but if you pull that bullshit again I'm going to be the one dealing with you. You don't want that." I told him. He nodded.

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