Chapter 9: Goddamn it!

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When we got to my house i got out and went to the door. I waited a bit for Joker to leave then I knocked. Alfred opened the door. "Well your in trouble." Alfred said as I walked in. "By who?" I ask. "Me." Dad said as he walked in the room. He held a ice pack on his head. "What happened." I ask. "Just a little car crash. But what happened to you? Last night?" He asked me. "I'm old enough to go where I want when I want." I told him." That doesn't answer my question." He said. "I was at my boyfriends house." I told him. "Who's your boyfriend? And why where you at his house without asking me." He asked. "A guy." I simply replied. "What'd you do at his house?" He asked. "We just hung out." I replied.

"I hope you really did just hang out because if you get pregnant-" I didn't let him finish his sentence. "Pregnant!? I'm not going to get pregnant!" I yelled "I'm just saying It seems that you've been with him for a long time. Your spending a lot of time with him. I want to me this guy." He tells me. "Well you can't." I tell him. "Why?" He asked. Because he's your greatest enemy and you hate him I thought to myself. I sighed. "Why do you want to meet him?" I ask. "You've spent the night with him and you've been with him all day. He seems special to you and I just want to see what he's like." He replied. "When do you want to meet him?" I asked calming down a bit. "Tomorrow night. We'll have dinner here." He said. "I'll ask him." I said then went up to my room.

I sat on my bed. Maybe I can make up an excuse for Joker not to meet him. Maybe I can barrow one of Jokers henchmen for the night. If Joker would allow that. I remember last time one of the henchmen touch me. Joker killed him. I can't believe dad would think I would get pregnant. I know how to use protection and stuff. I'm not stupid. I sighed. Whatever. I'll just go to sleep and forget about it. It was only about 2 in the afternoon but last night I didn't get much sleep. Joker kept me up all night. I smiled as I got comfortable then went to sleep.

When I woke up it was 7:49. I went into my bathroom and took a shower. When I got out I put on a shirt and jeans. "Yummy." A all to familiar voice said. I turned around to see Joker sitting on my bed staring at me. "You know it's not polite to stare." I told him. "I can stare at what's mine and only mine. I don't like sharing." He said with a smile. "So does that mean your mine to?" I asked. "Yeah but don't get to cocky." Joker replied. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "You'll see. Just follow me. He said then lead me over to the balcony.

I looked down. Joker jumped and landed on his feet. "Come on." Joker said then held out his hands. "I'll catch you." He said. Oh hell no. He's crazy. I'm on the second floor and he wants me to jump. I shook my head no. "I'll just go out the front door like a normal person." I told him. I closed the balcony doors and went down stairs. Alfred was in the kitchen. "Alfred I'm going out." I told him. "With Joker?" He asked. I looked around. "Shh!" I told him. "Oh sorry." He said. "But yes." I replied then put my shoes on. I walked outside to find Joker in his van. I got in.

"Why didn't trust me?" He asked as he started driving. "I trust you its just what if I fell or something." I said. "I would have caught you." Joker replied. "What if you didn't?" I asked. "But what if I did?" He asked. "Ok fine next time I'll let you catch me." I told him. "Did your dad realize you where gone last night?" He asked. "Yeah, he yelled at me for it. I told him I was at my boyfriends house and he freaked out. He then tells me that he wants to meet you. What are we going to do about that? I said. "Why didn't you just lie to him?" He asked. "I can't lie to him. He'll know I'm lying. I was thinking we could use one of your henchmen for the night that way my dad won't know who you are." I told him. He shook his head no. "I want your dad to me. I don't want one of my henchmen around you." Joker said. "Why?" I ask. "I'm protective over what's mine." He replied. I smiled. I like when he calls me his. "Where here." Joker said then got out. I got out too.

It was a huge unfinished building. Joker took my hand. We walked in and went up flights of stairs. I stopped to catch my breath. Joker stopped and looked at me. "We don't have time for breaks." He told me. "Just go without me. I'll be there in a minute." I told him. He sighed then picked me up. I put my legs around him and hugged him. "Your so strong." I told him. He smiled. He was. Like we walked up like 15 flights of stairs and now he's carrying me up another 15 or so flights. Let me tell you I'm not that light. Damn. When we reached the top he sat me down. There where dogs there. Four of them. They started to growl at me. "Hey!" Joker yelled at them. They stopped growing. We walked to the window. "Can you tell me what we are doing here now?" I ask. "Waiting." He replied. "For?" I ask. "Batman." He replied. Goddamn it!

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