Chapter 19: Sucker for pain

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With tears going down my face I watched him burn. Not because I was sorry, Not because I was in pain from my arm but because I was alone. My dad and Joker hate me. The only people I loved in this world. Other then Alfred because he's done so much for me. At this point I wasn't even watching the body durn I was holding myself crying. I didn't care anymore about anything. "Now you had one bad day." Joker said. I didn't even look up. I don't care. I Just kept weeping Now you understand." He said. I looked up at him. "Just fucking go!" I yelled.

"You tried killing me and you want me to go?" He asked. "I wasn't going to kill you. Yes, I thought about it. A world without Joker. No innocent people dying. No more dad hating me. But there was two things stopping me from killing you. I loved you and you loved me. Noticed how I said loved not love. I didn't mean to fall in love with you, but I did and you didn't mean to hurt me, but you did. I" I told him. He kelt down next to me. "I still do." He said."Really? Where were you when I needed you? Just like when your wife needed you. But you where to late. I had to save myself." I told him.

"Don't talk about her! You don't know what happened! Your the one who tried killing me! She wouldn't of done that!" He yelled. "Well she didn't have to deal with a psycho!" I yelled back. He raised his hand up to slap me. I didn't flinch. "Go ahead and hit me, let's see how much of a man you'll be afterwards." I said. He lowered his hand. He stood up and turned around. He was looking a the burning body. I was expecting him to hit me. I'm really pissing him off. "You know if you where anyone else you'd be dead right?" He said still Looking at the body. "I'm just waiting until you snap and really do hurt me." I tell him. "I'm not trying to hurt you but your really pushing me." He said. He was calming down. "I know I wanna see if you'll hurt me." I said. He turned back to me.

He sighed and knelt back down to me."Remember when you where 4 you got lost and I helped you back home? Remember when I saved you from getting killed from those people who where going to kill you in that ally? When I helped you find your way home  I promised myself I would never let anything happen to you. Because you liked me and I liked that you liked me. No one liked me because I was different. That's why I became who I am. Your as crazy as I am I know you can kill some people if you needed to. I didn't need to save you this time. Now come on it's cold out here. I don't want you to catch a cold. That won't be good for my little baby." He told me.

I shook my head no. "You don't want me to catch a cold but 5 seconds ago you where going to hit me." I said. "I'm...." He started but didn't finish. "Sorry?" I asked "Yeah." He replied. "I wanna hear you say it." I told him. He looked at the ground and shook his head. "I'm..." He sighed again. "Sorry." He finished. He stood up. " come on I'll carry you." He said and held out his arms. I stood up. I rapped my arms and legs around him while he held me.

"I'm sorry too." I told him. After awhile of walking he stopped. I looked at him. "Look, I'd love to play but I need to take her home." Joker says. "What's wrong." I ask. I look at what he was looking at. My dad as batman. "Batman I'm fine." I told him. "What happened to your arm?" Batman asks. "I was attacked but Joker saved me." I replied. Joker kept on walking. Batman didn't do a thing. I think he doesn't know what to do. He just looked at us as we walked away.

When we got home we walked in and all of his henchmen looked at us. They looked confused. Probably wondering what the hell is Joker doing. How can someone so cold be so nice? I stuck my tongue out at them. Most of them just smirked and went back to what they where doing. Some of them still confused at what was happening. He carried me up the stairs and into his room. He sat me down on his bed. "Now let's take care of this." He said looking at my arm. "What are you going to do to it?" I asked. "Cut it off." He said. I gave him a what the fuck look. He smiled. "Why so serious?" He asked.

He then went into the bathroom and came out with a first aid kit. He looked at my arm. Then touched it carefully. "Your gonna need stitches." He told me. "Will it hurt?" I asked. "A little." He replied. He stuck the needle into my skin. "Yeah hurts only a little." I said sarcastically. "Do you really know who batman is? You did work with him." He said. "No, I only have thoughts on who he is. I just said that she you wouldn't leave me." I lied. "Your getting your blood everywhere." He said as he wiped blood off my arm.

"I know it will be a long time before the baby comes but where is it going to stay?" I asked. "One of these rooms upstairs. Not downstairs. I don't trust any of my henchmen that much." He replied. "Do you want it to be a boy or girl?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe a girl." He replied. I smiled. "Me too." I said. The Joker and batman's daughter having a baby. Uh okay got to admit that's weird. Joker was concentrated at stitching up my arm. It was kinda cute. He glanced at me. "Why are you staring at me?" He asked. "Because your so damn sexy." I told him. He smiled. "I know." He said.

"Have you done this before?" I ask. "A couple of times." He replied. "How'd you get your scars?" I asked. "My father was a drinker. One night he goes off crazier than usual. My mom gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. So me watching. He takes the knife to her laughing while he does it. He turns to me and says why so serious? He comes at me with the knife and says let's put a smile on that face. He sticks the blade in my mouth and does this." He says and shows me his scar. When he was done stitching up my arm he put back the first aid kit. I crawled in bed. He turned off the light and laid in bed.

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