Chapter 7: Dirty Things

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When we got to Joker's place I wasn't expecting a mansion to be his place. But it was nice. I followed Joker to the door. When we walked in there where about ten guys drinking beer and laughing but it was dead silent as soon as they seen Joker. It was obvious that they all where afraid of him. It honestly scared me a bit because I'm not afraid of him but that all these men are means I should probably be too. "Come on." Joker said as he started to lead me through the guys.

Suddenly someone slapped my ass. Joker quickly turned around. "Damn Joker can I have her when your done?" A drunk guy asked. Everyone except Joker took a step away including me. Joker slammed him into a wall and took out his knife holding it to his neck. "You do anything, say anything, and even looking at her wrong again!" He says pointing to me. "I'll kill you. Are we clear?" Joker asked. He nodded his head. "How clear?" Joker asked. "Crystal." He replies. "Not good enough!" Joker says. "Diamond. I swear I won't do it again." The guy says. "Oh I know you won't." Joker said as he jabbed him with the knife. "Let that be a lesson to all of you." Joker told them then turned to me. "Let's go." Joker said to me.

We started walking up the stairs. What did I just witness? Maybe I should be afraid of him. No wait he only did cuz the drunk asshole slapped my ass. I smiled. "What's so funny?" He asked as we reached the top of the stairs. My smile quickly goes away. "Nothing." I replied. "Your not afraid of me now, are you?" He asked. "No." I said.

When we reached the end of the hallway he opened the door. We walked in. His bedroom was huge. He had a king sized bed with purple and green sheets. I practically ran and jumped on the bed. "Excited are we?" Joker asked as he closed his door. "Well you said you where going to make me feel better. I hope you stick to your word." I told him. He walked over to the bed. "Oh I'll make you feel better alright." Joker said.

-----Time Skip-----

I woke up in Joker's arms. Remembering last night. I smiled. We did uh...dirty things last night. I tried to slowly move away from his arms to put my clothes back on. He pulled me closer. "I don't won't you to leave." Joker said with his eyes still closed. "We can't cuddle all day." I said. "Why?" He asked. I tried to leave his grip. "No." He said holding me tighter. "Fine." I said giving up. He smiled. "I win." He says. I roll my eyes.

I smile as I grab a pillow. I raised it up. "Your not thinking about hitting me with that are you?" He asked with his eyes still closed. I sighed. "So what if I was?" I asked. He opened his eyes. "Cuz then I would have to teach you a lesson." He replied. I let the pillow drop on his face. He pinned me to down. I tried to get out of his strong grip but I couldn't. "Say I win." Joker told me. "You win." I said. He smiled then loosened his grip. I quickly pushed him off me and pinned him down. "Say I win." I told him. He shook his head no. I got closer to his face. "Say I win and give me a kiss." I told him. He gave me a kiss. "You win." He said. I got off of him. "I know I always win." I say then put my clothes on.

"Puddin I'm home!" A loud female voice said. I looked at Joker. He sighed. "Harley." He muttered. "Who the fuck is Harley?" I asked. (The one from the new suicide squad.💚)The door opened. It was a girl with blonde hair and Blue and pink tips. She had on a shirt that was way to small for her. Her shorts where again way to small for her and she was holding a baseball bat. "Who's this slut?" Harley asked. "What are you doing here Harley! I told you that I didn't like you and never will." Joker told her. "Well that's not what you said two days ago Mista J." Harley said. "Harley you where in jail two days ago and there's a reason I didn't try getting you out." Joker told her. "You'd rather have her then me?" Harley asked. "Yes Harley! Now get out!" Joker yelled. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever your gonna be back with me in a matter of time." She said then started to walk away. "I never was with you." Joker said then turned to me.

"She has this huge obsession over me. She thinks I'm her boyfriend." Joker told me. "Um okay. Why does she think that?" I ask. "I'm just so irresistible." He said with a smile. "Now come on I have things to do, lives to ruin." He said then took my hand. We went downstairs and outside to his van. I got in and closed the door. "What are we doing?" I asked. "We are going to visit Dent at the hospital." He replied.

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