Chapter 22: The only Badass in this House

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When I woke up it was like 8:00. I felt like I was going to throw up so I went into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I wiped my mouth and quietly went downstairs. Almost all of Joker's henchmen where down there. Some I still don't know the names of. "Are you okay?" Bow asked. I shook my head yes. I went into the kitchen. Twitch was also in the kitchen. "Where's the Advil?" I ask. Blade and another henchmen where at the kitchen bar. "Why?" Blade asked. "Because I need fucking Advil asshole!" I yelled at him. I wasn't in the mood of his crap. "I'll get it." Twitch said. "Shut up your going to wake the boss up." Blade told me. "Fuck you." I told him. "What's your problem?" The other henchmen at the bar asked. "I'm pregnant thats my fucking problem." I told him. "It's not my fault boss knocked you up." Blade said. "I'm about to knock you out if you keep talking to me." I replied. Twitch gave me the Advil. "Thanks." I said. I got a cup of water and took the Advil.

"The boss got her pregnant?" The henchmen asked. "What's your name?" I asked. "Zack." He replied. "Well Zack, yes he did." I told him. Zack had brown hair and blue eyes. He was pretty young to be a henchmen. "Damn." Zack said. I got the feeling like I was going to puke again. I look away from them. "You better not puke right here." Blade said. I stuck my middle finger at him. I then puked on the floor. "Uhh that's fucking disgusting." Blade said. "I'll clean it up for you." Twitch said. "No but thank you. I want Blade to clean it up." I said. "I'm not fucking doing it." He said. I took a sip of my water. "I'm going to scream for Joker if you don't and tell him your being an asshole." I told Blade. "You won't wake him up." Blade said. "You know I love it when people tell me I won't do something. You know, that just makes me want to do it even more. Now I'll give you another chance. Clean this up." I tell him. All of the henchmen where looking at him. "No bitch clean it yourself." He said.

I laughed a bit. "You think your cute trying to act like a badass in front of them. Your not going to look like a badass when Joker gets down here. Jokers the only badass in this house because your all afraid of him. I would be afraid to if I thought he was going to kill me." I say. "He's going to kill you sooner then later." Blade told me. "Man just clean it up before she gets the boss." Bow said. "No I'm not doing it." Blade said. "Your screwed then." Bow said. "Your funeral. Just Kidding. We're not having a funeral for you we'll probably just throw your body in a dirty dumpster where it belongs." I said. I took another sip of water. I started walking to the stairs. "No. No. No." All the henchmen but Blade said. I turn back around. "All Blade has to do is clean it up." I said. "Fine!" Blade said. He started cleaning up my puke. "Thank you, Blade." I said. "Whatever." He replied.

I went upstairs and into Jokers room. I laid back in the bed. Joker put his arm around me. "I'm the only badass in this house." He whispered in my ear. I laughed. "You heard that?" I asked. "Yeah. I was going to come down there and kill some people but you handle it well." He replied. "Yeah without killing people." I said. "Sometimes you have to show them who's boss." He told me. He sat up. "Speaking of killing I have some stuff to do." He said then got out of bed. I smiled. "Wait." I told Joker. He stopped. "What?" He asked. I gave him a kiss. "I want to see there faces when you walk down there." I tell him. He smiled. "You are just as cruel as me." He said. I smiled too. "I know."

I start walking down stairs. "She's an asshole. I can't wait until Joker kills her." I heard Blades voice. "She's not that bad. Just don't piss her off." Bow said. I go downstairs. "Look here's the princess now." Blade said. "I'm a queen but nice try. Did you clean it up?" I ask. He nodded his head yes. "But I'm not doing it again." Blade said. "So if I puke right now you won't clean it up. Want to test that theory?" I ask. He sighed then shook his head no. "That's what I thought." I said then sat at the counter bar next to Twitch. "Whatever fuck you." Blade muttered. "No, that's my job." Joker said as he came down the stairs. Blade tensed up. "I need Jim, Blister, Mark, Marbles and Blade to come with me for a mission." Joker says giving Blade a death stare. He started walking towards the door then turned back around. "As for the rest of you don't touch her she's mine." He said then pointed toward me. He then walked out with his henchmen.

"Boss really does like you." Twitch said. "Yeah I know." I say. It was now Just Twitch, Bow, and Zack here. "Did you wake him up?" Bow asked. "No, I lay down in bed with him and he puts his arm over me and whispered I'm the only badass in the house. So I guess he heard us from downstairs." I told him. "I never heard him curse before." Twitch said. "I've only heard him cures twice." I said. "He thinks he's a higher class criminal so he doesn't curse or drink." Zack said. "Speaking of drinking you guys want a beer?" Bow asked. They all said yeah. Bow went to the fridge. "How about you?" Bow asked me. "Um I don't think I can drink since I'm pregnant." I told him. "How old are you anyway?" Zack asked. "17." I replied. "Dang you know Joker is like 30 right?" Zack said. "Yeah he's 28." I replied. "Younger then some of the henchmen." Bow said then handed the beers out. "When are you having the baby?" Twitch asked. "Um I just found out I was pregnant like a day ago so like 8 or 9 months I think." I replied.

"I can't imagine Joker being a dad." Bow said. "He's the one who wanted to keep the baby. I wanted to put it up for adoption. Because I couldn't imagine him being one ether. I had a dream last night that he killed our baby and then was going to kill me." I told them. "He's heartless but I don't think he'd kill his son or daughter." Twitch said. "Where the baby going to stay?" Zack asked. "Upstairs next to our room." I replied. "Nice." Twitch said. "So what do you guys do for fun?" I ask. "Other then kill people. We play video games, card games or just drink." Zack said. "How long are they usually gone?" I ask. "Could be like an hour or like 3 hours." Bow replied. "Or might be 10 minutes he could have just went out just to kill Blade and come back." Zack said. "I hope he doesn't. He was an asshole but I don't think he needs to die because of it. I'll give him another chance." I said. "Boss doesn't do second chances. He doesn't have mercy either." Twitch said. I get the puking feeling again so I get up and go to the sink. "Are you okay?" Twitch asked. "Are you going to puke again?" Zack asked. The feeling went away. "No I'm fine. I'm going back upstairs to sleep." I said. I went back upstairs and went back to bed.

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