Chapter 4: Boyfriend?

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When I woke up Joker's arm was around me. I smiled then looked over to my alarm clock. It's only 1:49. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep in his arms.  When I awoke again there was knocking on my door. I was just about to say something but my door started to open. I looked over at Joker. He was still sleeping. I quickly took my pillow and put it over his head. Alfred came into the room. He was going to say something but noticed someone else in my bed. He turned around to leave. "Alfred don't tell dad." I said. "Don't worry I'm good at that miss Wayne." He said as he walked out and closed the door. Joker sat up. "I'll be right back." I said as I got out of bed.

I walked out of the room. "Alfred, he was just my boyfriend. Just please don't tell dad." I said to Alfred. "You have a boyfriend?" Dad asked as he came around the corner holding a cup of coffee. He looks at me then Alfred for an answer. "Um yeah I have a boyfriend." I said. Alfred just looked to the door to my room. Dad seen this and went to my door and opened it. I was kinda like freaking the fuck out. If he found out that Joker was sleeping in the same bed as me after I was making out with him he wouldn't even look at me ever again.

He walked in and looked around. "So what about her having a boyfriend?" Dad asked Alfred. "Oh she just told me that she had a boyfriend and wondered if she should tell you." Alfred said. "Oh um ok.." Dad said. "Yeah I have a boyfriend now and we just started dating. I didn't know if I should tell you so I asked Alfred." I lied. "That's nice." Dad said then walked away. I sighed. When dad was out of sight I hugged Alfred. "Thanks." I said. "I don't like this whole lying thing. You should start telling your dad stuff." Alfred said then left. I know and I will.... Just not now.

Where did Joker go? I went into my bathroom but he wasn't in there. I looked under my bed but wasn't there. He must have left. That's good. I sat on my bed and sighed of relief. Well what to do now? I looked over to my clock and seen it was now already 9:38. I jumped of my bed. I'm 2 hours late for work! I got in the shower and then put on skinny jeans and a black v neck. Even though most girls at my work wear stuff to impress there boss I just don't care honestly. Like is my dad going to fire me if I don't dress to impress? Nope! Well I at least hope not. I walk down stairs and out the door to my blue Lamborghini. I drove to work.

When I got to work I sat down at my desk and looked at my stacks of paper work. My work is really boring. I just go through paper work and sign stuff. For about the next 10 hours it was just that. Going through papers and signing. I really should quit this job. But it pays well. My phone started to ring. I looked to see how it was. It was dad. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey Jade, have you seen the news lately?" He asked. "No. Why?" I replied. "Harvey said he was batman." He told me. "Really? why?" I asked. "Good question." He replied. "Well I have to get back to work." I told him. "Ok bye." He said. I hung up the phone.

-----Time Skip-----

When I was done with work I went out to my car. As I was about to open the door my vision went black. What the hell? Someone grabbed me and lifted me over there shoulder. "What the fuck." I yelled as I tried to get away but it was useless. After about a minute of them walking I was then practically thrown on the hard concrete. Then I heard a gunshot. I flinched. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO BE CAREFUL?!" I took off the blind fold off my head. Joker has just shot the guy that was carrying me in the knee. "I'm sorry boss, she fell." The guy said. Bullshit I fell. Joker knelt down to me. "Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up. I looked at my hands they where scraped and bleeding a little from the fall. "I'm fine." I said. He looked at the guy and shot him in the other knee. "Look what you did!' Joker yelled. Holy shit he's pissed. "Come on." Joker said as he took my hand. He lead me to a semi truck.

We sat in the back while someone drove. I'm guessing these guys work for him. "What just happened?" I asked. "I hurt someone for hurting you." Joker replied as if it was obvious. No duh. "No like why am I here?" I asked. "Because I wanted you here." He said. "Why not just come up to me." I asked. "I didn't want to be seen." Joker replied. "I'm Supposed to be at work. Where are we going?" I asked. "Your Bruce Wayne's daughter and you have to work?" He laughed a bit. "Your gonna help me." Joker said. "With what?" I asked. "Finding the batman." Joker replied. "But Harvey said he was batman." I told Joker. "Yeah, now I have to finish the job." Joker said then pulled out a gun. The side of the semi doors opened.

There was a swat car, police car, and GPD swat car. Joker started shooting at the GPD swat car. He shook his head. "This won't do it." He said as someone handed him a bazooka. When he shot it it missed and hit the police car. He loaded it again and aimed. His shot was perfect but was blocked when a car blocked it coming out of nowhere. Wait. That was the batmobile. "Now there's a batman. Stop the truck." Joker said. The truck came to a fast stop causing me to almost fall. But luckily Joker caught me. "Careful doll." He said. He took my hand as we went to the wheel of the truck. "Excuse me I wanna drive." Joker said as he pushed a man out of the drivers set. Joker pulled out a walkie talkie. "Rack em up. Rack em up. Rack em up." He said into it.

Batman was now in his motorcycle coming right at us at full speed. "Want to play?" Joker said then laughed. What's dad doing? He's going to get hit! Then he moved out of the way. Thank god. "He missed!" I said. Joker grabbed me. "No he didn't." The hole semi truck flipped over. "Are you ok?" Joker asked me. "Yeah." I said as he helped me out. I stood up. Well that hurt. Joker started walking over to batman as batman started driving full speed at him. Shit. "Joker!' I yelled. "I want you to do it. I want you to do it." He repeated. What the hell is wrong with him. Batman went right passed him and hit the truck. He fell. Joker walked to him. Just as he was about to lift his mask. A police held a gun to his head. "We caught you. You son of a bitch." He said. "Can you just give me a minute?" Joker asked. He was so close to seeing that batman was my dad.

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