Chapter 17: One Bad Day

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I went into the bat cave and put on my suit. I got on my motorcycle then turn on the GPS. I start driving where it says his batmobile is. When I got there I got off my motorcycle. It was a huge warehouse. When I walked in it was pitch black. "I knew you'd come. I'm glad you did." The lights came on. In front of me was dad as batman tied up with tape on his mouth. He looked knocked out.

I turned around to see Joker. "I heard from a certain someone that a new hero was in town. So I thought two heroes and one villain isn't fair. Why don't we even this out." Joker said. "Or there can be two heroes and no villains." I said as I came closer to him.

"Where's the fun in that?" Joker asked as he took out a button and pressed it. A cage dropped over me. Joker laughed Hysterically. He walked over to batman. "Where gonna play a game. It's called if you can't manage to save batman he gets acid poured on him." Joker said. He pointed at a bucket over batman's head.

"How am I supposed to save him?" I asked. "You can either take your mask off and show me who you really are and let batman die, but you live or let me take batman's mask off and you die." Joker told me. "Why do I die?" I ask. "There can only be one hero in this town. Remember? But don't worry your death will be quick and easy." Joker replied.

"That's it?" I ask. "Well you could try and get out of the cage defeat me then save poor old batman within 5 minutes before the acid goes all over him. But that's not likely. So what's it gonna be?" He said. I'm not showing him who I am because well wouldn't that ruin our relationship but I just can't let him see who batman is.

I have to at least try and get out of the cage. I try lifting the cage. But it didn't move. Joker sat down. "Where gonna be here for a while." He said. I tried again but no luck. Maybe if I give it enough force on one side it will tip over. I pushed it on one side. It lifted a little. I'm gonna need a lot more force then that. I use all my body force and I tipped it over.

It fell with a loud bang. Joker stood up clapping his hand. "Ok good now you just gotta get threw me." He said. I try punching him but he grabs my arm and twisted it. It made me fall to my knees. "You gotta try harder then that." He said. I pulled away and kicked him. He fell.

"Good enough?" I said then went over to batman and tried untying him. Before I could Joker grabbed me and held a gun to my head. "You don't play fair. Do you?" I say then elbow him. He fell again dropping the gun. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. "You have about two minutes to help poor old batman so do it. Kill me." Joker told me.

I slid the gun over to him. He got up grabbing the gun. "You win." I said. "As I aways do. Now who's taking there mask off?" He asked. I took my mask off. "Let him go Joker." I said. He dropped the gun in his hand. "You know I can't do that Jade." Joker said. "Your trying to prove by having one bad day you can change someone can't you?" I asked. "You know me to well." He replied.

"I've had the worst day of my life today." I told him. "I don't think it was bad enough." He said. "Oh really? My dad found out that my boyfriend is a psycho killing clown today. I was so close to ripping his head off because he found out that we where together. He's never gonna even look at me again." I told him. "It seems bad but not bad enough." He said.

"On top of that I'm here fighting with you, the man I love." I said. He shook his head. "Oh still not good enough?" I asked. "Not even close." He told me. "Not bad, well here's one for you. I figured out I was pregnant with your kid. Gotham's most feared man. No, probably the most feared man in the world." I told him. I had tears in my eyes. I heard muffled talking.

I looked over to my dad and untie him. As soon as he got up the bucket full of acid dropped and just missed him.  He ripped the tape from his mouth and started walking out. "Batman!" I say. He kept walking ignoring me. I was about to go after him but Joker grabbed my arm. "Let him go. We're going home." He told me.

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