Chapter 8: Hospital

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When we got to the hospital Joker told me to stay in the car. I rolled my eyes. I hate it when he tells me to do stuff. There where buses and people getting in them. Police officers where all over the place. One came up to the van and knocked on the window. I put the window down. "We need to evacuate the area. This hospital is about to blow up." He told me then left. Shit. I should tell Joker. I got out of the van and into the hospital. A police officer went into a room. A faint gun shot was heard. The police officer fell down. Found Joker. I stepped over the guys body and into the room.

Joker pointed the gun at me. Realizing it was me he lowered the gun. Joker was wearing a nurse outfit and a wig. Harvey's whole half of his was burned. It looked bad. "I told you to wait in the car." Joker Said to me. "But the hospital is about to blow up." I told him. He sighed. "I know." He replied. "Oh...your the one blowing it up aren't you." I asked. He nodded his head. He sat down on a chair. I swear I could be so stupid sometimes. Joker took of his wig and messed with his hair. Which was kinda cute. Harvey tried to get out of his bed but he was trapped down to it.

"You know I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us Harvey. When you and uh.. Rachel where being abducted I was sitting in Gordon's cage." Joker told Harvey. "Your men your plan." Harvey said. "Do I really look like a guy with a plan. You know what I am. I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. You know I just do things. The cops have plans, Gordon got plans. There schemers. Schemers trying to control there little worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic there attempts to control things really are. So when I say that when you and your girlfriend was nothing personal, you know I'm telling the truth. It's the schemers that put you where you are. You where a schemers, you had plans and look where that got you." Joker said then stood up and went over to Harvey. Harvey tried to reach him but couldn't.

"I just did what do best. I took your little plan and turned it on its self. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. You know what I noticed. Nobody panics when things go according to the plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger will get shot or a truck load of soldiers get blown up. Nobody panics because it's all apart of the plan. But when I say one little old mayor will die. Everyone loses there minds. Introduce a little anarchy. Then everything becomes chaos. I'm a agent of chaos. You know the thing about chaos it's fair." Joker told him.

Joker took out a gun and gave it to Harvey. The gun was pointed at Joker. "Joker what-" I started to ask but Joker cut me off. "It's fine." He said. Joker held the gun also. Harvey held up a coin. "You die." Harvey said the turned the coin over "you live." Harvey said then flipped the coin. "Now where talking." Joker said. What the hells wrong with him. I took a closer look at him holding the gun. Joker has his finger on the hammer. So even if Harvey shoots nothing happens. I couldn't see the coin. Joker smiled at Harvey. So I'm guessing he's not dying. Joker looked at me. "Wait in the car." He commanded. I sighed and started walking down the hallway.

Control issues much? I just decide to listen to him instead of pissing him off. Life is easier without a pissed off Joker. I heard a door shut. I looked back to see Joker. He skipped over to me. He seems happy. He then took out what seemed to be a detonator. He made a explosion noise then pressed the button. "Come on doll." He said as he took my hand. There was a explosion going from behind us. He didn't look back but I did. We walked out of the doors. We where almost to the van but he stopped. He looked at the building then to his detonator. He pressed it about three times then hit it with his hand. A huge explosion came from the building. It started him but he kept walking. We both got into the van.

"Was that necessary?" I ask. "Blowing up the hospital?" He asked. I nodded my head . "Yeah." He simply replied. I rolled my eyes. "Where are we going now?" I asked. "Your house. Wouldn't want your dad to find out your with the most wanted man in Gotham would we? Speaking of your father what'd he say when he seen us yesterday? He asked. "It wasn't my dad. It was my Butler, Alfred. He told me he wouldn't tell my dad about us." I told Joker. "Seems like he can keep a secret." Joker said. "You have no idea." I said with a little laugh. Alfred is the best at keeping secrets.

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