Chapter 13: Dinner

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After I was done with my soup I put it in the sink and went back to the table. "Is it time yet?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. I picked up the pregnancy test. "positive means I am pregnant and negative means I'm not." I told dad before looking at the test. Looking at the test I only see one line. I showed him the test. "I'm not pregnant." I told him. I was actually a bit sad. "Good." He said with a smile.

I threw the test in the trash and started walking up to my room. On the way I seen Alfred. "Good news Alfred, I'm not pregnant." I told him. "Good miss Wayne. I've left some more pills and a glass of water in your room." He said. "Thanks." I said then continued to my room. When I got to my room I took the pills and drank the water. It's a bit early to get ready for the date. So I'm going to go back to sleep. I set my alarm to wake me up at 3:30. I then fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm beeping. I turn it off. I'm glad I took a nap because I feel completely fine now. I took another shower and put on a black dress. The dress was pretty basic nothing to fancy. I then put on a little makeup. Some foundation and mascara. I don't really like doing my makeup but I do look better with it. Not saying I'm ugly but I'm not as beautiful as Joker says I am in my opinion. I straighten my hair. When I was done getting ready I looked at the time. 4:53. I walked down stairs. I put my black heels on and got my purse.

The door bell rang. "I'll get it." Dad said. "No I'll get it." I said as I ran past him almost tripping in my heels. I opened the door it was Joker. But looking like Jack. Knowing that my dad was watching I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye dad." I said as I look Joker's hand and walked out of the door. His car was like wow. It was a dark purple Lamborghini with green rims. I got in the car. The hole inside was white. It kinda bothered me. Like what if you spill something and then it's ruined. But that's just me I'm clumsy like that. "I love your car." I told Joker. "Thanks." He said as he started driving.

When we got to the restaurant Joker opened the door for me. We walked into to the restaurant and sat down at our seats. It really was fancy. You know your dad was looking at me like he wanted to kill me when you kissed me." Joker told me. I smiled "I know. He's been acting like an ass lately." I said. "Why?" he asked. I sighed. "It's a long story." I told him. The waiter asked us what we wanted to drink. We both said water then he left.

"I want to hear it." He replied. No...You really don't. "Um well this morning I woke up puking. So the first thing I thought was that i was pregnant. I went to to store and got a pregnancy test and when I got home my dad found them. He yelled at me for even thinking I was pregnant then made me take them right that second." I told Joker. He was listening intently. "So are you pregnant?" He asked kinda pissed that I didn't say. "No I'm not pregnant." I told him. He sighed. "Good." He said. The waiter brought our drinks. Then took our orders and left.

"So if you where pregnant it would be my kid right?" He asked. "Yeah. Why? You think I have like...a secret boyfriend?" I replied. "No, I was just making sure. You better not have secret boyfriend." He told me. "Or what?" I asked. "I'd kill him." He replied. "Speaking of killing, I thought you where going to let me choose if you where going to be Joker or Jack." I said. "You didn't want me come here like Joker, did you?" He asked. "If you wanted to that's fine. I like Jack but I love Joker." I replied. "Ok next time I'll come as Joker." He told me.

"Why do you hurt and kill people?" I asked him quietly. That just came out of nowhere but I want to know. He smiled. "Because I believe that all it takes is one bad day to make the sanest man alive insane. That's how far the world is from where I am. One. Bad. Day." He replied. "Did you have one bad day before?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied. "Can you tell me?" I ask. He sighed then shook his head no. "Not yet." He replies. "Is Jack your real name?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "I like that name." I told him. "I know the first time I met you, you said you liked my name." Joker said. "When was the first time I met you?" I asked. "When you where 4 and was lost. I brought you back home." He told me. "Why?" I asked. "You didn't fear me. You liked me and I liked that about you." He replied. The waiter brought us our food.

"Why don't you become good again?" I ask. "What am I supposed to do say I'm sorry to everyone I terrorized and killed? Then think everything will go back to normal? Besides batman is to fun to just stop being a villain." Joker replied. "You could try." I told him. "You really want me to be good don't you?" He asked. "I mean yeah. Someday I want to tell my dad who you really are. I'm tired of lying. I don't want him to hate you for being bad." I replied. "Maybe someday but not for a long time." He told me. That sucks it really does. If he keeps being a criminal my dad will find out sooner or later I'm dating him. When we where done eating Joker paid and we left. He drove me home. When we where in front of my house I gave him a kiss goodbye and went into the house.

Just as I was about to head up stairs my dad called me from the living room. I sighed as I walked over to him. "I have to talk to you." He says. I sit down. "I seen the car Jack drives. Green and purple. Odd choice." He told me. Oh no. He knows. "Dad look I was going to tell you but-" he cut me off. "I have something to ask you. I want you to answer it honestly." He said in a serious tone. No here it comes. "Do you want to be my sidekick?" He asked. Oh thank god he's not talking about Joker. "Sidekick? Can we be like a team?" I asked. "Sure. I was hesitating on asking you because of how dangerous it is. It isn't easy." He said.

"What's my superhero name? I want a cool one. Can I have a cool suit like you? " I ask. "I was thinking batgirl and as for the suit It's in your room on your bed." He replied. "Batgirl... I love it. What's are first mission?" I asked. "I don't know yet. When there's trouble I'll let you know." He said. "I'm gonna go look at the suit." I said. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. Omg the suit is beautiful. I ran my hand over it. It was like my dads suit but to fit me. It had a cape too. After I was done admiring it I put it away in my closet and went to bed.

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