Chapter 21: Moving in

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I went upstairs to Joker's room. He was chilling on his bed with his eyes closed. "You know I've been thinking. I want you to move in with me." He said to me. I sat on his bed. "Really?" I ask. He opened his eyes. "Yeah. You look hot in my shirt by the way." He replied. I smiled. "Well I've been thinking too. I'm probably going to need to go to the doctors office soon to get a check up. I was also thinking we should start getting baby stuff." I said. "Ok how about I drive you to your place and you get your stuff and then tomorrow we'll go to the doctors office and then we'll shop for baby stuff. Then we'll do the babies room." He said. I love it when he says we'll. "Let's do it." I said. He got up. I followed him downstairs. When I was passing Joker's asshole of a henchmen blade, I stuck my middle finger at him. He rolled his eyes. Twitch snickered. Joker shot him a death stare. We then when outside and into his van. We drove to my house.

When we got there I told him to wait in the car. I went to the door and knocked on it. Alfred opened it. "Oh there you are miss Wayne. I was starting to worry that Joker did something to you." Alfred told me. I walked inside. "No he'd never hurt me." I said. "I'm glad to hear that." He said. I was half way to the stairs when I was stopped by my dad. "Your not leaving this house with him." He told me. I laughed a bit. "I don't want to fight with you right now dad. I really got to go." I said. He stood in front of me. "No, I seen what happened. With you and him last night. He was gonna hit you." He told me. "No he wasn't. If was gonna to do it he would have. He won't ever hurt me. I'm moving in with him." I told him. "The hell you are. Your staying here." He told me. "Remember when I saved you from the acid that was going to fall on you? How about a thank you? I'm going to do what I want." I told him.

"Your done seeing him." He replied. "The father of my child?" I asked. He looked at me with wide eyes. "He got you pregnant?" He asked. "I thought you heard it when I was saving you but I guess not. Yes he did. I'm moving in with him and we are having a baby. It's gonna be perfect." I told him. "Perfect? He kills people for a living." He said. "He's waiting for me I have to get my stuff." I said. I try to move around him but he got in front of me. "I'm gonna go talk to him." He said. He started walking away but I grab his arm.

"No! Please don't. Just listen to me for a second." I said. He stopped and looked at me. "He loves me. He really does. Like last night he carried me home. You where there you seen that. When I had a bad dream last night he woke me up and comforted me and held me until I went to sleep into his arms." I told him. He cringed a bit when I told him I was in Jokers arms. "He even let me borrow his shirt. If he ever hurts me I'll tell you. I will tell you that you where right. But I won't have to because he won't hurt me. I tested that last night. I pushed him to his limit. Even then he wouldn't dare lay a finger on me. If he ever does then I'll help you put him in jail. You have my word." I told him.

"Jade, he lives to fight with me. He thinks it's fun." He said. "I will turn him good. Having a kid will make him different. You seen how he was with me. Just give me a chance." I said. He thought for a bit. "Fine. But one chance if he messes it up your helping me catch him." He told me. I hugged him. "I just need some time." I said. I then went upstairs and packed most of my stuff. I went back downstairs. "Bye Alfred." I said. I looked around. "Where's dad?" I ask. "Your not going to like this answer but-" I didn't let Alfred finish. "Shit!' I opened the door to see my dad talking to Joker from inside the car. "That fucking asshole." I mutter. I walk outside dragging my suitcase with me. "Dad!" I yell. He stopped talking to Joker and looked at me. I motioned for him to come here. He said something to Joker then walked toward me. "What was that?" I ask. "You didn't say I couldn't talk to him." He replied. "Well I'm going, bye." I said then got into the van.

"What did he say?" I asked. "He said he doesn't care who I am if I break your heart he'd brake my neck." Joker said. "Oh, well I guess you better not break my heart." I jokingly said. "Guess not." He said. We drove back to his house. Wait no. Our house? When we got there I took my suitcase out and went inside. I made sure Joker wasn't looking at me when I stuck my middle finger up at blade again. All of the henchmen but blade laughed. Joker shot a glare at them. They immediately stopped. I smiled at that. I think every time I'm with Joker going through the living room I'm going to stick my middle finger up at blade. Because he can't do anything about it when Jokers around. I follow Joker upstairs.

I put my suitcase down and lay on his bed. "I'm tired." I said. "Your tired? You where playing video games with my henchmen today. Try Robbing a bank." He told me then laid down next to me. "Try being pregnant." I said. "No thanks." He said. I smiled. "Your so adorable." I tell him. He smiled too. "It's not even 1:00 yet and you want to sleep?" He asked. I rolled over so I wasn't facing him. "Yep." I replied. "Fine." He said then pulled me closer to him. I turned back over. He had his eyes closed. I stared at him. "Go to sleep." He said with his eyes still closed. "But I love you." I said.

He opened his eyes. We where so close I could feel his breath on me. "If you love me go to sleep." He said then closed his eyes again. I kissed him then turned over. "Fine." I said. "Wait." Joker said. "No, I gotta go to sleep. Remember?" I tell him. "You can't just do that and expect me to just go to sleep." He said. I looked at him and kissed him again. "Stop your making me want you right now." He said. I looked away. "Nope. I have to listen to you and you said that I had to go to sleep." I teased. "Fine." He said. He put his arm over me and we went to sleep.

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