Chapter 26: Fighting

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I sat in our bed in the bedroom playing peekaboo with Jordan. She laughed every time. I just got out of the hospital a week ago. Joker was out on a mission. He seemed like he was aways on a mission. He never really spends time with Jordan. I picked Jordan up and went downstairs. Only Twitch and Bow where out. I went into the kitchen. "You need help with Jordan?" Twitch asked. "Nah but thanks for asking." I replied. Twitch is so nice. I don't know why. I opened the refrigerator. I sighed. Nothing good. I then closed it. "Want me to make you something?" Twitch asked. I smiled. "No I'm good. Twitch why are you so nice to me?" I asked. "I'm already a bad person to everyone else so I thought why not try being nice to you." He replied.

"Why'd you become henchmen?" I asked. "Like I said I'm a bad person. So I put it to use and became Joker's henchmen." He replied.  "You don't seem like a bad person." I said. "I killed my brother and father." He said with no emotion. "Why?" I asked. "My brother killed his girlfriend and blamed it on me. My father believe him. As my brother called the cops on me my dad was fighting with me. I was so angry. So I killed them both with a kitchen knife. I can't control my anger. I'm good at killing so I became a henchmen for the baddest criminal in the city." He told me. "Wow." Was all I said. "Can I hold her?" He asked. I gave Jordan to him. I just gave my baby to a killer. Well her father is a killer to so I guess it's fine.

"Does Joker play with her?" He asked. I shook my head no. Jordan laughed. "She's always laughing at something." Bow said from the couch. "Like her father." I said. "You think she's going to be a criminal like Joker?" Bow asked. I sat down on the couch with him. "I don't know. She can do whatever she wants. I'm not gonna force her to be a criminal." I replied. The door opened and Joker came in with his henchmen. He gave twitch a mean look. "Jade come here." He said then went upstairs. I sighed as I got off the couch. I then went upstairs and into our room. "Where's the baby?" He asked. I guess he expected me to bring her. "Downstairs." I replied. "With the henchmen?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Go get her. I don't want her with them." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Just do what I asked." He commanded. "No, you go get her if you don't want her with them." I replied.

"Jade, you just left our daughter with people who kill for a living." He said pissed. I laughed a bit. "Joker you kill people for fun. That's worse!" I say. "I just don't want anything to happen to her!" He said. "If you cared that much why don't you ever do anything with her? All you ever do is go on stupid missions! You never do anything with her! You don't even hold her anymore!" I yell. "Me doing missions doesn't concern her!" He yelled back. "Why don't you just stop being Joker?! It would be so much easier!" I said. "You have no idea what it's like being me! I can't just stop!" He said. "Yes you can! It's so easy!" I replied. "How do you know?!" He asked. "You want to know the truth?!" I asked. "Yes enlightening me!" He replied. "I'm working with batman. I told him if I can get you to stop being a criminal he wouldn't turn you into the police. But if I couldn't I would help turn you in." I said as I calmed down.

"How long have you planned this?" He asked. "Before Jordan was born." I said. "So you want to turn me into someone I'm not." He asked. "No I'm trying to turn you into someone who you used to be. You weren't also this cold hearted." I said. "You think I'm cold hearted!?" He asked. "No, you don't have a heart!" I yelled. He held his fist up to punch me but turned around and punched a hole into the wall. "Why can't you see I'm trying to help you?" I asked. "That's the thing I don't need help!" He yelled. I turn around and opened the door. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Away from you!" I say then walk downstairs.

All of the henchmen where playing with Jordan on the floor with her little toys. I pick her up. "Bye guys." I said. "What happened?" Bow asked. "Joker is being an asshole." I said loud enough for Joker to hear. Jordan laughed. "Do you want me to drive you to your house?" Twitch asked. "Sure I replied. We went outside and got into a van. I just held Jordan in my arms. "Joker is an asshole you know that." I told Twitch. "Yeah I know. What made him mad?" He asked. "I'm working with batman. I told batman if I couldn't turn Joker good then I'd help him turn Joker into the police." I told him. "You would do that to the father of your child?" He asked. "I wouldn't think I'd have to. I thought I could do it." I replied. "You can't change him." He said. "That would have been nice to know before I told batman I would help him." I said. "Are you still going to help him?" He asked. "I don't know." I replied.

When he got to the house I got out of the car. I waved by as he drives away. I knocked on the door. Alfred opened it. "Oh miss Wayne it's nice to see you again." He said. I walked in. "Where's dad?" I ask. "He's out." Alfred replied. I went into the living room and sat down with Jordan. I sighed. Alfred sat down with me. "Is it Joker?" He asked. "When is it not Joker? I'm trying to help him. Turn him into a good guy. But no, he doesn't want that." I replied. "He just wants to watch the world burn. He wants revenge." Alfred said. "I just don't know what to do anymore. I told dad I would help him turn Joker in if I couldn't turn him good. I don't see it happening anymore. His a heartless asshole." I said.

"Yeah, he told me about your plan. He said that's the only reason he lets you be with Joker. I guess now you have to help your dad turn him in." He replied. "I don't want to turn him in. I love him Alfred. Yeah he's a heartless son of a bitch but he's my heartless son of a bitch." I said. Jordan laughed. I looked down t Jordan. "What do I tell Jordan when she gets older? Her father was a murder and I put him in prison?" I asked him. "Or you could tell her you fell in love with the wrong person and it was your fault." Dads voice said. I turned around and there dad was listening to our conversation.

"Did Joker kick you out?" Dad asked. "No, I left." I replied. "Why because he hurt you?" He asked. "No, he'd never hurt me." I replied. "So when are you going to show me his hideout and help me turn him in?" He asked. "I still have a month. I'm not giving up on him that fast." I said. "When are you going to realize he's never going to change?" He asked. "When I realize your right. Which is never." I replied. "Why don't you see how much of a bad person he is?" He asked. "That's all you see when you look at him, how bad he is. But I seen more, I seen his good side all I have to do is show you." I said. "Why'd you come here? Why'd you leave him if he's the good person you say he is?" He asked. "We had a fight." I said. Jordan started to cry. "I have to go feed her." I said then got up. I went into my room.

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