Chapter 24: Kicking

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3 months later

I'm sitting on the couch with the henchmen. Watching T.V. I've got to know all of them. They are all pretty nice. I felt the baby kick. "Twitch come here." I told twitch. He got up and came to me. "Give me your hand." I said. He held out his hand. I took his hand and put it on my belly. "Feel the baby kicking?" I asked. He nodded his head. I looked over to Blade. He was watching us. "Want to feel?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. "Come here." I said. Twitch sat back down. Blade got up and came to me. I grabbed his hand and put it on my belly. But he swiftly took it away. Joker was giving him a death stare from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. I took his hand again. "It's fine." I said and put it back on my belly. He smiled. "I feel her kicking." Blade said.

"I wanna feel." Bow said. I took bows hand and put it on my belly. Bow gasped. "It feels so weird." He said. Joker cam into the living room. "Ok enough of everyone touching her." He said. Everyone sat back down. "We are doing a mission. I need Zack, Blister, Mark, Marbles and Jim. We're robbing a bank." Joker said. I sighed. He's always robbing and stealing things. Joker and most of his henchmen left. The just leaves Bow, Twitch and Blade. I put my hands on my belly and feel the baby kicking. I smile to myself. "How many for days until the baby comes?" Bow asked. "Just one week." I said.

"What are you naming her?" Twitch asked. I sighed. "Joker and I can't agree on a name. I want it to start with a J but he wants to name her Ace." I tell them. "I like Ace." Blade said. "Me to." Bow said. "I like it but I don't know if it's a good name for her." I said. "What are some names that start with J you like?" Twitch asked. "Uh Jessica, Jennifer, or Jasmine." I replied. "How about Jordan?" Blade asked. "I love that! I'm gonna ask Joker of he likes it when he gets back." I said. "Then you could have the middle name be Ace." Blade said. "I like that better." Bow said. "Me too" I replied.

Twitch turned the T.V channel. "Infamous Killer, Joker has been caught." The news reporter said. "What the hell?" I said. "Don't worry he always gets out." Twitch said. "It usually takes him about a day for two maybe a week but he gets out." Blade said. "I could have the baby any day now. I need him out now." I said. "We can take the van but what will be do when we get there?" Twitch asked. "Get Guns. Lots of them and get ready to shoot anyone that stands in our way." I said. "Damn I didn't know you where that badass." Blade said. "I used to be batgirl but Joker messed that up for me. So I know how to kick some ass." I said. "But your pregnant." Bow said. "Exactly who will shoot a pregnant girl?" I asked. "You make a good point. Let's go." Bow said then got up.

We went out to the van. "When we get there I want you guys to go in first and shot everyone that's in your way. But try not to kill them. When you guys have everything settled I'll go in and help you get Joker." I told them. They nodded. When we got there the henchmen put on masks and got out. Joker is gonna be so proud of me helping him escape. I heard gunshots. Music to my ears. I picked up a large gun. Joker usually uses this one. When the gunshots stopped I walked inside. Everyone was I the ground. The henchmen had there guns pointed at them. "Good job." I told them. Joker was in the holding cage. He went to the bars. "Couldn't be without me could you?" He asked. I smiled. "Never." I replied. I looked around. The keys where on the desk. I walked over to them a grabbed them. I unlock the cage. "Good, now let's go." He said.

Batman appeared in the doorway. "I can't let you do that." He said. Great. "You can, you just choose not to." I said annoyed. "Bats I really would love to play right now but I have to get my wife... I mean girlfriend back home." Joker said. I smiled.He just called me his wife. Batman came at Joker. I held up the gun at batman. "You know how bad I don't want to. But I will." I told him. He stopped. "Let me handle this." Joker said. As Joker was talking the gun batman kicked him. Making Joker fall and drop the gun. Batman got on top of him and started punching him.

I got this weird feeling in my stomach then felt water go down my leg. "Joker!' I yell. "Not now love I'm busy." He said as he threw batman off of him. "I think I'm about to have the baby." I say. They both immediately stop and look at me. Joker then punched batman unconscious. At that moment I didn't care. Joker took my hand and lead me out to the van. We got in. "Drive to the hospital." He told blade who was driving. When we got there he rushed me inside. I was then put in a wheel chair and headed to a room. Joker had to stay behind.

When I got to the room the helped me in bed. The doctor came in. "Hello miss Wayne. Its a nice boyfriend you got there." He said. He must of seen Joker. I rolled my eyes. "When are you going to take the baby out of me?" I asked. "Around 8 to 12 hours." He said. "Can my boyfriend come in?" I asked. "We don't allow criminals in here. Besides I thought you where dating a guy name Jack." He said. "It's a long story." I said.

Authors note!!

I'm stupid and messed up the chapters for that I'll give you another updated.

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