Chapter 3: Joker's secret

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When I got home I went up to my room. I took a shower then put on a tank top and shorts. I sat on my bed and thought about what happened tonight. What the Joker said. You know I'd never hurt you, those words keep replaying in my head. There was a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I said. Alfred came into the room. "I just wanted to check up on you. You know with the Joker thing that just happened." He said. "I'm fine." I said. He was about to leave. "Alfred." I said. He stopped. "Yes, miss Wayne?" He said. "Can you keep a secret?" I asked. He laughed. "Miss Wayne I known your dad since before you where born I can keep a secret." He said then came back into the room. He shut the door behind him. "Remember when the Joker whispered something to me." I asked him. He nodded his head. "Well he told me that he'd never hurt me but when dad asked what he said I told him I didn't hear him. Don't tell dad I told you." I told Alfred. "You have my promise." Alfred said. He turned around and went out.

I heard laughing. I looked over to my balcony. The doors where open and the Joker was standing in front of them. "You need to learn how to keep a secret." He said as he came closer to me. "How long where you standing there?" I asked as I backed away. "Long enough to hear that you can't keep my secret." Joker replied as he got closer. "You didn't say it was a secret." I said backing so far away I hit the wall. "If I where in a room full of people and I whisper something that only you can hear it's a secret. Let me guess you told him our other little secret." Joker said. I shook my head no. "Why should I believe you." He asked. "Because if I told him that you wouldn't be standing here right now." I told him. "Whys that?" He asked. "He would have told my dad and my dad would have cops surrounded the whole mansion." I replied. "So your not afraid of me?" He asked. He then pinned me against the wall with his hands to the sides of me face. "Well you said you'd never hurt me right?" I asked trying to hide my slight fear. "I am a man of my word." He replied.

"Why should I believe you." I said mimicking him when he said it. He laughed a little. "If I wanted to hurt you I'd have done it by now." He said. "Really?" I asked. He shook his head yes. "Make me believe you." I said. He leaned in closer. Our faces only inches away. He was about to kiss me but stopped. "I have to go." He said then turned around. "No." I said as I grabbed his hand. He turned back around. "Stay." I said. "I can't." He replied. I could tell he was lying. "Please." I said. Did I just ask the Joker to stay in my room what the hell is wrong with me? "Just stay the night." I said. He sighed. "Fine." He said. I smiled. He closed the balcony doors. I sat on my bed and padded my hand on the bed so he'd sit next to me. "What if your dad comes in?" He asked as he sat down. "He won't." I said as I turned off the bedside light. There was still a little light coming in from the balcony glass balcony doors.

As he was getting comfortable I said his name making him look at me.
I couldn't help myself but I kissed him. He was surprised at first. I got on top of him then he pulled me closer wrapping his arms around me. But then he pulled away. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "I don't know it feels... wrong." He replied. I laughed a bit. "Since when did you care if something was wrong?" I asked. He pulled me closer again. "Your right." He said and continue to kiss me. He was right this is hella wrong. I'm currently making out with my fathers worst enemy. If my dad ever found out he would kill me.

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