Chapter 5: Interrogation

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Never thought I would be in a cell but well here I a cell. It's just a holding cell but whatever. I'm sitting next to Joker. This will probably make headlines tomorrow. Bruce Wayne's daughter working with the Joker? I see it now. They think I'm working with him. I am but I technically didn't do anything. "Jade." Joker said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "I'm sorry." He said. "For what?" I asked. "Getting you in here. But I promise I'll get both of us out." He replied. "Ok." I said. A police officer opened the cell door. "Let's go clown." He said to Joker. Shit this guy obviously don't know who he's talking to. Joker got up and followed him into another room.

My dad came into the room in his batman suit. "She didn't do anything you can let her go." He said to Gordon the new commissioner. "You heard him open the door." Gordon said. A police officer opened the door. "But we still need to question her." Batman says. I rolled my eyes. I followed Gordon and dad into another room that has one sided glass to see into the interrogation room. There was a dim light on a desk that Joker was sitting at. Gordon walked in and sat down. "Harvey never made it home. What did you do to him?" He says to Joker. Joker held up his hands that are handcuffed. "Me? I was here. Who did you leave him with." Joker replied. "Where is he?" Gordon asks again. "What time is it?" Joker asked. "What difference does it make?" He asked. "Well, depending on the time he could be in one spot or several." Joker replied. "If we are going to play games I'm going to need a cup of coffee." Gordon says as he takes Joker's handcuffs off. "The good cop bad cop routine." Joker says. "Not exactly." Gordon replies as he left.

The lights came on. Behind Joker was dad in his batman suit. He slammed Jokers head into the table. I cringed. He was just right here. How the hell did he get there? "Never start with the head the victim gets all fuzzy and can't feel the next-" Joker says but is cut off when dad punched him in the hand. "See." Joker said. "You wanted me. Here I am." Batman said. "I wanted to see what you do and you didn't disappoint. You let five people die. Then let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me that's cold." Joker replied. "Where's Dent?" Batman asked. "You know you changed things forever and there's no going back." Joker said. "Then why do you want to kill me?" Batman asked. Joker laughed. "I don't want to kill you. What would I do with out you. You complete me." Joker replied. "Your garbage who kills for money." Batman told him. "Don't talk like one of them. Your not! Even if you'd like to be. To them your just a freak, like me. They need you right now and when they don't, they'll cast you out like a leper. There only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. These civilized people they'll eat each other. See I'm not a monster I'm just ahead of the curve." Joker says.

Did he just call himself a freak? Batman grabbed him. "Where's Dent?" Batman asked again. "You have all these roles and you think they'll save you." Joker replied. Batman slammed him against the wall. Everyone looks at Gordon to see if they should do something. "He's in control." Gordon says. "I have one rule." Batman says. "Then that's the role you'll have to break to know the truth and tonight your going to break your one role." Joker says. "I'm considering it." Batman says. I smiled I know his one role. "Then your going to have to play my little game to save them. There's only minutes left. You know I really thought you where Harvey the way you through yourself after her." Joker said then laughed. Batman threw him on the table. "Look at you go!" Joker said as he laughed more.

Every Time he hurts Joker I shut my eyes. It hurts me to see my dad hurt him. "Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny?" Joker asked. Batman slammed him into the glass making It brake a little. Batman picked up a chair and headed for the door. I ran to it and tried to open it. But it didn't open. I banged on the door. "Uhh are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled. I went back to see what they where doing. Batman punched Joker. Joker laughed hysterically. "You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength" Joker told him. Batman picked Joker up with his shirt. "Don't worry I'm going to tell you where they are, both of them and that's the point you have to choose. He's at two hundred fifty fifty second street and she's on Avenue X. Batman dropped him and walked out. "Which one are you going after?" Gordon asks. "Rachel." He replies.

As some people where rushing to leave I went into the interrogation room. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods his head yes. "Are you?" He asks as he wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb. I didn't realize I was crying. "I could hear you yelling." He says. "I tried to get in here." I replied. "I know." He says then looks at the glass on the floor. "Do you trust me?" He asks as he picked up a shard. I nod my head yes. "Remember when I said I wouldn't hurt you?" Joker asks as he held the blade on my neck as we walked. "Yes." I reply. "I meant it." He said as we walked out of the room. I put on a scared look. The cops took out there guns. "What do you want?" A police asked. "I just want my phone call." Joker replied. I tried my best not to laugh or smile at that. The police took out his phone and threw it to Joker. He caught it and dialed a number.

He took the shard of glass away from my neck. Suddenly a huge explosion happened. Joker held me tight to his chest facing away from the explosion.

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