Chapter 15: Sidekick

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The hole day I was just lost in my thoughts on if I was pregnant. When it was finally getting dark I decide to so to bed. Just as I slip under my sheets there was a knock on my door. "Come in." I say. My dad walk in. "Looks like your gonna try out your new suit sooner then I thought. Get ready and meet me downstairs quick." He told me then left. I got back out of bed and I put the suit on then took a quick look in the mirror. Shows all my curves. I love it! I went downstairs. Dad was waiting for me in his suit. We went into his bat cave.

"Your gonna be driving the driving this." Dad said the took a cover off of a black motorcycle. "I had Mr.Fox make this for you. It has guns on it so be careful. It also has a GPS on it. If you ever lose me when I'm in the batmobile just use it." He said. I got on it. "What are we going to be doing." I asked. "Nothing to big just follow me." He said then got into his batmobile. We drove out of the cave. We started driving for a bit then he stopped at a jewelry store. The alarm was going off. I got off my motorcycle while he got out of his car. The glass windows on the shop where broken. We walked in. No one was here. Just as batman turned to leave someone stood up from behind a table and hit him in the head with a bat.

It was Harley. "Mista J is gonna be proud of me." Harley said as she held the bat over her head. Before she could hit batman again I graded the bat and threw it on the ground. "Hey who's this?" Harley asked. "Batgirl." I replied pushing her against the wall. I heard police sirens. "Your gonna regret this. I'm gonna tell Mista J what you did." Harley said. The police came in and put her in handcuffs. "That's was easy." I told dad. "Good job." He said. We walked back to the batmobile and my motorcycle. "What now?" I asked. "That's it for the night." He replied. "What, I was really starting to like this." I said as I got back on my motorcycle. He got into his batmobile and we drove back to the bat cave.

When we got there I put the motorcycle away. I took my suit off and put it up then went into my room. I didn't even bother turning on my light. I just laid in bed. I moved my hand and I felt something. A body. I moved my hand over the chest. "Joker?" I say. There was a small laugh. "Yeah?" He said. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I thought i would come see you." He replied. "How long where you waiting?" I asked. "A few minutes." He said. "How about we go to your place?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said then got up. I went over to the balcony door and opened them. Some light from the moon came in. "I'll go first. Then I'm gonna catch you." Joker told me. "But-" he cut me off. "I'm gonna catch you." He repeated then jumped. I closed my doors and looked down. He landed perfectly. He opened his arms. "Come on." He said. I hesitated. "Trust me." He said. I closed my eyes and jumped. When I opened then again I was in his arms. "I told you." He said as he put me down. We went into his car and drove to his place.

When we got there we went inside and up to his room. I sat on his bed. I got this feeling in my stomach that I was gonna puke. "Joker where's your bathroom?" I asked. He pointed to a door. I went into the bathroom without closing the door and puked into the toilet. After a few minutes He came in and sat a glass of water on the counter. "I didn't think I was that repulsive." He said then laughed. I stood up and took a sip of water. "I'm fine." I say as I walkout of the bathroom. I sat the water down and laid in his bed. "I'll get you medicine." He said then walked out. Before he came back I ended up falling asleep.

When I woke up I ran into his bathroom and puked again. I sat next to the toilet. I put my hand on my face. This sucks. "Here." I look up. Joker handed me a glass of water and medicine. I took the medicine and drank the water. "I should go home." I told him. "You don't have to. I can take care of you." He replied. I shook my head no. "It's not your problem. I don't want to bother you." I said. He smiled. "Your not bothering me. But if you want to go home I'll take you." He said. "Okay." I said as I stood up. We went into his car. "I'm sorry." I told him. "For what?" He asked. "Being sick." I replied. "Don't be sorry for something you can't control." He said. I smiled.

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