Chapter 11: Normal

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When I got home it was around 9:00 o'clock. I was about to go up to my room when my dad stopped me. "Why where you with Joker?" He asked. "He kidnapped me." I lied. "Oh." He said. "I'm fine though. He didn't hurt me." I told him. "Why did you tell me to do something when he was falling?" He asked. "I didn't want you to kill someone in front of me like that." I lied once again. I started walking to my room. "Don't forget I want to meet your boyfriend tomorrow." He told me. "Yeah I know." I replied as I kept walking. You know Joker's idea about lying isn't so bad. I hope he's okay. I opened the door to my bedroom. I laid down on the bed and went to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm. I pressed it so it would stop. I got in the shower and got ready for work. When I was done I went down stairs and into the kitchen. Alfred had made breakfast. "Good morning miss Wayne." He says to me. "Good Morning. Uh...where's Dad?" I ask. "He had some batman business to do." He replied. "Thank god because I have to talk to you about Joker. Dad says he wants to meet my boyfriend but how am I supposed to do that?" I ask as I start to eat my breakfast. "Joker is in Arkham. Right?" Alfred asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Well can't someone else pretend to be your boyfriend for the day?" He asks. "No, Joker says he wanted to come for dinner but I don't know how he's going to do that. I asked him if I could just use one of his henchmen for the night but he says he doesn't want his henchmen around me." I told Alfred.

"Why not?" He asked. "He says he's protective over what's his. Maybe I can tell dad that he can't make it or something." I replied. "Sounds suspicious. How about we get ready for the dinner and then you get a call saying that he's been in a car accident?" Alfred said. "Wow that's perfect." I said as I finished my breakfast. I put the plate in the sink. "Thanks Alfred." I said then left. I got into my car and drove to work.

-----Time Skip-----

When I was done with work I went home. I went up to my bedroom and got ready for dinner. When I was done I went to the dining room. Where Dad and Alfred where. "So Is your boyfriend coming?" Dad asks. "Yep." I said with a smile. "I hope I like him because if I don't then your breaking up with him." Dad told me. "You'll like him." I said. Alfred stared putting plates on the table. The door bell rang. "I'll get it." I said then walked out of the room. Probably Rachel wait no...she's dead. I opened the door. "Joker?" I say looking at the man in front of me. "Call me Jack." Joker said. Joker looked totally different. He didn't have his usual makeup on and was wearing a white button up long sleeved shirt. He didn't have his scars which surprised me the most. "What happened to your scars?" I ask. "Makeup." He replied. He looked uh... Normal. "Um okay follow me." I told him. Shit I'm dead. I didn't think he would come!

I walked into the dining room. Alfred gave me a what the fuck look when he seen Joker. Dad wasn't in the room. "Where's dad?" I ask. "He had a phone call." Alfred replied. Joker sat down next to me. Dad came back into the room and sat down. "Hello my name is Jack." Joker said with a smile. "My names Bruce." Dad said. Dad looked at him for a second. "Have I met you before?" Dad asked. Oh no. "No, I don't think we have." Joker replied. "How old are you?" Dad asked. Oh no here come the questions. "28." Joker replied. "You do know your like 10 years older then her." Dad said. "Dad when you and mom where together you where 29 and she was 19. I told him.

"Why do you want to date my daughter?" Dad asks. "She makes me smile and makes me laugh. She's so beautiful. I just don't know what I'd do without her." Joker replied. Did I just heard what I think I did. "How did you meet her?" Dad asks. "I believe we where at the same party and I seen her and I thought wow I have to talk to her." Joker replied. It's like he's a whole different person. "Would you like to have kids one day?" Dad asks. "If she wants to." Joker said. "What do you do for work?" Dad asked. But before Joker could answer Dads phone started to ring. "Excuse me." He said then went into another room. "How am I doing." He asks me. "Great."I replied. Dad came back into the room. "Looks like I have work to do so we have to cut this dinner short." Dad said then left the room again. "We'll be on my room." I told Alfred. Me and Joker went up to my room.

"That was good acting Joker." I told him. "I wasn't acting everything I said was true." He replied. "I didn't think you'd come. I thought you where still going to be in Arkham." I told him. "I didn't want to miss the dinner." Joker replied. "Sorry about all the question." I said. "It's fine. I was expecting them." Joker said. Dad came into my room. "Jade can I talk to you?" He asks. I walk out of the room and close the door. "Joker escaped Arkham." He tells me. I wanted to tell him yeah I know he's in the other room but I decided not to. Cuz he wouldn't like that answer. "I want you to stay here and don't leave that house. Just in case. I'm going to go find him." He says then leaves. I went back into my room.

"He just told me he had to leave and wanted me to stay here." I told Joker. "I would love to stay with you but it seems that I have work to attend to as well. But I would be happy to have dinner with you again sometime. But this time just you and I at a restaurant." Joker said. "Ok but will you be Joker or Jack?" I ask. "Whatever one you want me to be." He replied. I walked him to the door. It's nice not having him use the balcony to get out of the house.

Alfred was in the living room. He was reading a news paper. I sat down next to him. "So how'd you think that went?" I asked. "Better then expected. Since we weren't expecting him to even come." He replied. "Yeah sorry, I didn't think he would come ether. But it's a good thing he did." I said. "Yeah master Wayne told me he liked him except for the fact he's like 10 years older then you. But he said you made a good point when you said he was 29 and your mother was 19 when they where together. But you should really start telling your dad the truth." Alfred told me.

"I know. But how do you tell your dad that your dating his greatest enemy?" I replied. "That's something you have to figure out your self miss Wayne. I know you'll come up with something." He said. "Yeah I hope your right." I said. "I see some good in Joker when he's with you. Try bringing out all of his good." He said. "Yeah I'll try but it'll be hard." I said then got up. "Nothing is easy these days." Alfred told me. "Your right now excuse me I have to go make a master plan for dad to like Joker somehow." I said then left. I went back up to my room. I just need to bring out the good in Joker. Easier said then done.

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