Chapter 10: Sucks to be them

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"How do you know he's coming?" I ask. "I don't but if he wants to save innocent lives he will." He replied. "Who's life are threatening now?" I ask. "Lives." He corrected me. "You see those Ferry boats. Only one of them will not blow up." He said pointing to the ferry boats in the water. "But Joker there are kids on one of them." I told Joker. "Better hope they don't blow up then."He said then laughed. "What if they do?" I ask. "Sucks to be them." He replied. "What if you where on the boat with your kid?" I asked him. "I'm not having kids. There annoying." He replied. He got a walkie talkie out of his coat. I rolled my eyes. Asshole.

"Tonight your all going to be apart of a social experiment. Anyone who try's to get off the boat you all die. Each of you has a remote to blow up the other boat. At midnight I blow you all up. If however one of you presses the button I'll let that boat live. So who's it gonna be? You choose. Oh and you might want to decide quickly because the people on the other boat may not be quite so noble." Joker said then put the walkie talkie away.

"Your cruel you know that?" I told Joker. "And here you are not doing anything about it." He replied. "What am I supposed to do? You'll kick my ass if I tried." I said. He smiled. "I'd never hurt you." He said. "So you wouldn't do anything if I tried to do anything? Like go and help them." I asked. "Correct." He replied with a smirk. I turned around. But he grabbed my hand. "I was Joking." He said. "What if I jumped?" I asked as I looked over the edge of the building. "I'd pull you back up. But let's not test that theory." He told me. "I'm not actually going to do anything. I just wanted to see what you'd say." I told him. "I guess that makes you as cruel as me doesn't it." Joker said. "I guess it does." I replied.

The dogs started barking and growling. I turned to see my dad as batman. "Where's the detonator?" Batman asked. "Go get him." Joker said to the Dogs. The dogs jumped on batman and started biting him. Joker grabbed a small pole from the ground and started beating batman with it. Batman kicked him off and pushed the dogs into a hole in the floor. Joker came back at him hitting him with the pole. Batman got caught in a net. Joker took out a knife and stabbed him with it. Just as batman got up joker pushed him into a window. Breaking it. I gasped as I walked closer. Batman was now dangerously close to the edge.

Joker got on top of him. "We really should stop this fighting, otherwise we'll miss the fireworks." Joker said. "There won't be any fireworks." Batman replied. "And here we...go." Joker said. But nothing happened. Joker looked at the clock. "What where you trying to prove? That deep down, everyone is as ugly as you? Your alone." Batman told Joker. But he's not. "Can't rely on anyone these days. You gotta do everything yourself. Don't we? Thats okay. I came prepared." Joker said then took out a detonator. "It's a funny world we live in. Speaking of which, you know how I got these scars?" Joker asked. "No, but I know how you got these." Batman said then his arm armer shot out blades. Batman threw Joker off of him causing Joker to fall off the building.

I gasp as run over and look down. He was laughing as he kept falling. "Do something!" I yell at my dad. He pulled out his grabbling hook and shot it at Joker. He caught on to his foot. He pulled him up. "Oh you couldn't let me go, could you? This is what happens when a unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren't you? Huh? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever." Joker said still dangling.

"You'll be in a padded cell forever." Batman says. "Maybe we can share one. You know, they'll be doubling  up, the rate this city's inhabitants are losing their minds." Joker replied. "This city just showed you that it's full of people ready to believe in good. Batman tells him. "Until their spirit breaks completely. Until they get a good look at the real Harvey Dent and all the heroic things he's done. You didn't think I'd risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fistfight with you? No. You need a ace in the hole. Mine's Harvey." Joker said. "What did you do?" Batman asked. "I took Gotham's white knight and I brought him down to our level. It wasn't hard. See, madness, as you know is like gravity. All it takes is a little push." Joker said then started laughing. Batman got up looked at me then left.

I heard the swat team coming up the stairs. "Joker do you have a gun?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Give it to me." I told him. He reached into him pocket and pulled out a gun but dropped it. "No! What now?" I asked. "It'll be fine." He said. "No it won't! They're gonna take you away!" I yelled with tears coming down my face. "Jade look at me." I looked at him. "I'll be fine." He told me. "I don't want you to leave. They'll take you to Arkham." I said. He wiped the tears away. "I'll be back." He said then kissed me. The swat team came up to us.

One Person from the swat team dragged me down the building. As I was leaving I seen Joker getting forced into the back of a cop car. I ran to him. The door closed. The cops tried to drag me away but I didn't let them. He had a smile on his face. The car started to drive away. Then he mouthed something I never thought he would say.

I love you.

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