Chapter 27: Happy Ending?

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It's been two weeks since I went back to Joker's place. I'm sitting on the bed with Jordan. Shes sleeping next to me. I look over to my balcony. I wish Joker would just come back through the balcony doors like he'd used to. I always wonder how he got up. The first time he came in the doors I was some what afraid of him. Now I have his kid and we're fighting like a married couple.

I heard arguing downstairs. I slowly got up from the bed so I didn't wake her. Who the hell is fighting? All I could hear was muffled arguing. As I went downstairs I realized it was my dad and Joker. "Could you two shut up! Jordan is sleeping." I told them. Joker came to me. "I missed you." He said. "Oh after two weeks you decide you miss me?" I ask. He ignored my question.

"Where's Jordan?" He asked. "Upstairs." I replied. He was about to walk up but I stopped him. "Your not seeing her. She's sleeping." I said. "I just want to look at her." He said. "I'll send you a picture if you want to see her that bad." I replied. "How about you two just come home?" He asked.

"How about you be a better person?" I asked. "Maybe you can help me with that." He said then knelt down on one knee. What the fuck is he doing? He took out a little box from his pocket and opened it. "Will you marry me?" He asked. Holy shit! Holy shit! I gasped. I held my hands over my mouth. I nodded my head yes. He put the ring on my finger then stood up. "I was gonna wait but it seemed like the right time." He told me.

"Are you kidding me?" Dad said. Joker hugged me. "I love you." He said. I don't actually think he's ever said that to me. Yeah he mouthed it to me before but never said it. "I love you too." I said. "Can you come home with me now?" He asked. I nodded my head yes. I looked at the ring. Damn it's big. I took Joker's hand and went upstairs.

Jordan was awake. When she seen Joker she smiled and kicked her legs and waved her hands. Joker smiled too. He picked her up. She laughed at him. We then went back downstairs. Joker and Jordan went outside. "Why are you marrying him?" Dad asked. "I love him." I said. "You still have to help me turn him in." He replied. "Where you blind when he proposed to me?" I asked.

"You have to turn him in to a good person to everyone not just you." He said. "But we didn't say that did we? I said I'd turn him good. He's a good person to me. That counts." I said then walked out. I got in the car. He already had Jordan in her car seat. We then drove home.

When we got there I got out and took Jordan out of the car seat then went inside. The henchmen where doing the usual. Playing games and eating. We went upstairs. I laid Jordan down and sat next to her on the bed. "So this is it?" I asked. Joker looked at me confused. "We're gonna get married and then live a normal life or are you still going to be the Joker?" I asked. He sat on the bed. "Whatever you want." He said. "Really? Why'd you change your mind?" I asked. "I realized I wanted to spend my whole life with you even if that meant I would stop being a criminal." He replied.

Dang it's this easy. To easy. I sighed. "Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked. "I'm positive." He replied. So just like that every thing will came to a happy ending? Joker stops being a criminal and we get to live normal lives? Wait no that's to easy. There has to be something more to this. I sighed and looked at Joker. He picked up Jordan. She laughed at him. "My little Ace." He said smiling at her. She smiled back at him.

THE END.....or is it?

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