Chapter 2: Fundraiser

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     Jade's P.O.V

I work at Wayne Enterprises. Although my dad is one of the richest men in the world he wants me to work for my own money. Today I was walking home after work. Usually dad would drive me home but he's in a meeting right now. I didn't feel like waiting an hour or two for him to finish. I'm walking down an alley. I know creepy right? I usually felt pretty safe since I could fight so it didn't startle me when I heard sounds in the alley. Dad taught me how to fight to be safe. Cuz Gotham isn't a safe city. But when I heard footsteps right behind me I panicked a bit. I turned around to see not one but three guys. All dressed in black.

The closest one to me push me against the all. "What are you doing in a place like this all alone girly?" The guy asked then took out a knife. "I was-" I  was cut off bye the guy. "Shh." He said placing the knife on my lips. "I'll make this quick." He said then took the knife away from my lips. He started to pull up my shirt. I pushed his hands away. "Well you see now I have to punish you for that." He said the held his fist up to punch me. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. But it didn't come.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you." A voice said. I opened my eyes to see the Joker holding the guys arm so he wouldn't hurt me. The Joker twisted his arm making a crack sound. "You broke my arm you freak!" The guy said. Joker knelt down to him. "Here, hold this." The Joker said then stabbed him with the knife. The Joker turned to the two other guys. They looked at each other then stared running. The Joker laughed a bit then took out a large gun and shot them.  He turned to walk away.

"Wait." I said. The Joker stopped and turned around. "Thanks." I  said. "Do me a favor and stop getting yourself in trouble. That way you don't have to thank me." He said then walked off. I got my phone out and called my dad. After a few rings he answered. "I'm in a meeting right now Jade." He said. "I need you to pick me up right now." I replied almost crying. "Where are you." He asked. I looked around. Across the street was a pizza place." Right by the pizza place." I replied. He hung up. I walked to the pizza place and waited a bit. Dad finally pulled up in his black Lamborghini.

I got in. "What happened?" Dad asked. "I was walking home and three guys came up to me and tried to like kill me but..." I held back the tears. "But what?" He asked worried. "The Joker saved me." I finished. His eyes widen. "Who?" He asked. "The Joker." I said again. "Why does he keep helping you?" He said. "What do you mean keep?" I asked. He sighed. "When you where 4 you got lost. He brought you home." He replied. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. "Are we still having that party?" I  asked changing the subject. "Well it's a fundraiser but yes, it starts in 3 hours." Dad said. We are having a fundraiser for Harvey Dent. When we got home I went to her room and got ready. I took a shower and put on a blue dress. I did my makeup and curled my hair. When I was done it was time for the party.

--------Time Skip------

Everyone Dad knew was there. I looked around for Him but he wasn't there. I went over to Alfred. "Where's Dad?" I asked. "He said had to take care of somethings." Alfred said. I knew what that met. He had some batman business to take care of. I seen Rachel and thought I would talk to her. "Here's Harvey?" I asked. "Bruce took him." Rachel replied. Before I could say anything the elevators dinged and the Joker walked out. Everyone gasped except me. What is he doing here? "I Just have one question, where's Harvey Dent?" Joker asked. "Do you know where Harvey is?" Joker asked an older man. "We're not afraid of thugs like you." The man said. Joker took out a knife. "You remind me of my father. I hated my father!" Joker said as he held the knife up to the man.

"Ok, stop." I said. Joker turned to me. "Well hello beautiful." Joker said as he walked toward me. He grabbed me pulling me closer. "You look nervous. Is it the scars?" He held up the knife. "You want to know how I got them?" Joker asked. I slapped his arm away and jumped back a bit. "A little fight in you. I like that." He said as he pointed the knife at me. "Then your gonna love me." Batman said then hit the Joker. Jokers guys started to fight with batman but batman easily took them down.

I saw a knife come out of the Jokers shoe. I ran over to stop him. Joker grabbed my arm. He whispered in my ear. "You know I'd never hurt you right?" He said then shot the class behind him. "Let her go." Batman said. "Very poor choice of words." Joker said as he loosened his grip on me making me trip. Batman jump out of the window. I almost fell out of the window too but Joker grabbed me just in time. Dad must of thought he was going to let me fall. "I told you." Joker said to me. He then turned to the terrified crowd. "The fun was nice while it lasted but I must be going now." Joker said then turned to me again. "And I'll see you later." He whispered. He then walked to the elevator. He got in and just before it closed he winked at me.

Rachel and Alfred ran to me. "Are you okay?" Rachel asked. I nodded my head yes. "Well that's enough partying for you miss Wayne." Alfred said then lead me to the elevator. When the doors opened again dad was inside. I got in with him. I waited for the doors to close. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "What did he whispered to you when I was fighting his men." He asked. "I don't know I couldn't hear him." I lied. I don't need dad worrying about me that's why I didn't tell him the truth. "Okay, well I'm going back up to see if everyone is okay. Drive home safely." He said. I nodded my head. The elevator doors opened. I walked out and into the parking lot. I got into my blue Lamborghini and drove home.

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