Chapter 16: Truth

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When we where in front of my house I got out. I went to the door and knocked on it. Dad opened the door. He looked at Joker's car driving away. "I knew it." He pulled me inside. "Where did you go? Why where you with Joker? He asked. "Um he kidnapped me." I lied. "Don't lie to me!' He said. "He's my boyfriend." I mutter. "What?" He asked. "He's my boyfriend!" I said louder. He was surprised. "I knew it! There was no Jack it was Joker the whole time! Did you tell him who I was!?" He yelled. "No I didn't fucking tell him who you where!" I yelled back.

"Don't curse at me! How long has this been going on?" He asked. "About a month." I replied. "Forget about being my sidekick." He said. "What! Why?" I asked. "I need someone I can trust not someone who's been sleeping with the enemy!" He told me. "It's been my dream to work with you! Your gonna need me. By the way he's actually really nice." I replied. "Nice? He's killed so many people. He's probably planning on killing you to!" He said. I turned around and started walking to my room.

"Get back here! We aren't done!" He yelled. I kept walking. "I'm trying not to blow up in your face so I'm leavening!" I said. "Your not seeing him ever again! He's a psycho killing clown. I don't even know why you like him." He yelled again. I turn around. "Fuck you! You don't even know him! Why do I like him? Because after being hurt so many times, all I can really do is laugh. He's had a bad day like you once too! Your not the only one. You don't even understand him so you can't judge him! He's trying to show everyone that by having one bad day they could turn out just like him! He's right too." I yelled back then continued walking.

He didn't say anything. I looked back at him. "Oh and I'm still going to see him. He's my boyfriend I love him and he loves me. You can't change that." I said."He can't love he's heartless." He said. I ignored him and walked up to my room. I slammed my door shut. I sat on my bed and cried what seemed like forever.

When I was out of tears I looked at my alarm clock. 2:38. I noticed my phone on the nightstand. I graded it and turned it on. 8 missed calls from dad and a call from a unknown number. I called the unknown number. "Hello this is nurse Jane how can I help you?" The person on the other end said. "Hello I'm Jade Wayne are my tests back?" I asked. "Oh yes. Hold on let me get them." She said. "Okay" I replied.

I'm so scared. The last thing I need right now is to be pregnant. "Here we are I have your tests. Congratulations your pregnant." The nurse said. "Oh shit." I muttered. "Excuse me?" The nurse asked. "Oh nothing thanks for the news." I said then hung up. I threw my phone against the wall. This is why I can't have nice things. I looked a my stomach. I can't believe there's a little baby in there. Jokers little baby.

There was a knock on my door. "Go away!" I said. "It's me miss Wayne." Alfred said. "Come in." I say. He walked in. "I heard the fight you had with your dad. Are you okay." He asked. "I'm sure half of Gotham herd the fight but I'm fine." I told him. He picked up my phone. He showed me the crack I made on the screen. "I got the call from the doctors. I'm currently carrying Jokers child in my tummy." I told him.

He handed me my phone. "What do you think he'll say?" He asked. "I don't know. I hope he wants to keep it." I replied. "Speaking of Joker just after you and your dad had a fight your dad went on a mission to try and stop Joker. He didn't tell me much. As he was in a hurry." Alfred told me. "I have to help him. I won't let Joker hurt him." I said as I got up. "But your pregnant and your dad said your not his sidekick anymore." Alfred said. "I'll be fine and Your right I'm not his sidekick anymore, I'm my own superhero." I said then left my room.

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