Chapter 12: Pregnant?

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I was in my bedroom. I just woke up and loving my Friday off from work. I haven't herd from Joker since he came to dinner three weeks ago. That pisses me off. I sometimes expect him to just appear in my room. Like he used to. He would just come into the balcony door. I don't know how. I always lock the doors. There was a knock at my door. "Come in." I say still in bed. Alfred walked in. "I have something for you." He said handing me a card.

I sat up in bed. "I think it's from Joker. I found it at the doorsteps today."  Alfred said. On the card it had my name in gold letters. Jade. I opened it. Hello my beautiful, I'm sorry that I haven't spoken to you in a while so I thought I would make it up to you. I've booked a dinner reservation at the most fanciest restaurant in town. I'll pick you up at 5:00. The card read. I looked up at Alfred. "He's taking me the fanciest restaurant in town." I told him. "Sounds wonderful." Alfred said then left. I reread the card. I wonder if he's coming as Jack or Joker.

I look at my clock only 8:49 in the morning. I stood up and stretched. I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I fell to my knees and puked all over the floor. Before I could process what happened I puked again. "Alfred!" I yelled. He came back in quickly. "Could you get me a glass of water?" I asked. He nodded his head before leaving. I went over to the toilet and puked into it. I put my hair up before I could get puke all over it. Alfred came into the bathroom with a glass of water and handed it to me. "How about a nice hot shower?" Alfred asked. I nodded my head. He went into the shower and turned it on then left.

I drank my water. I had to get that nasty taste out of my mouth. I sat the glass on the counter and took my clothes off to get in the shower. After I was done in the shower I was feeling a bit better. I put on the usual shirt and jeans and brushed my hair. I noticed the puke form before was gone. I laid down back in bed. On the nightstand was pills and another glass of water. I swear I have the best butler ever! I look the pills and drank the water. I slowly drifted of to sleep.

When I woke up it was 12:19. I was feeling so much better. Why am I so sick? I hate being sick. I then remembered all of the romantic books I've ever read. When the girl feels sick she's pregnant. This is always the case. I roll my eyes and sigh. If I'm pregnant with the Joker kid I wouldn't know what to do. How would he react? He says he doesn't like kids and thinks there annoying. I agree with him but wait what am I talking about. I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet. I get up out of bed. Well there is only one way to find out. I walk downstairs.

Alfred was in the kitchen. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Better." I replied. "I'm making you soup." He said. "Thanks Alfred. I'm going to the store real quick. I'm gonna buy a pregnancy test." I told him. "You think your pregnant? With Jokers kid?" He asks. "I hope not but I could be. If I was pregnant then it would definitely be his." I replied as I picked up my purse from the table. He sighed. "Your really getting your self in deep miss Wayne." Alfred said. "I know." I said as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I walked out and to my Lamborghini. I hope I don't puke in this car. I started the car and drove to the closest store.

When I got there I got out and went inside. I went up to someone who worked there. "Can you tell me where the pregnancy test are?" I asked. "Follow me and I'll show you." She said. She lead me to them. There where so many different kinds. "Um which one do I buy?" I ask. She smiled. "You never did this before have you?" She asked. I shook my head no. I'm 17 why would I have done this before? "When I was pregnant with my first kid I used these." She said pointing to a box. I picked up two boxes. Just incase.

I walked to the cheek out and put them on the counter. The lady at the counter gave me a strange look. "How old are you?" She asked. Who does this old lady think she is? I'm old enough to drop kick your ass. "19." I lied. She smiled as she rang them up. "Does your boyfriend know your taking a pregnancy test?" She asks. If this lady don't get out of my business I swear. "No, even if am pregnant I'm still not telling him." I replied honestly.

"It's 19.99. He's the father he should know." She told me then put the boxes in the bag. "If you knew who my boyfriend was You'd understand." I said. As I handed her a 20 dollar bill. "Who's your boyfriend?" She asked as she handed me the bag and change. "The most wanted man in Gotham." I said then turned to walk out. It took her a minute but then she got it. "Joker?" She asked. I didn't reply I just kept walking. The look on her face was priceless. She was like what the fuck? Maybe I shouldn't have said that but I couldn't resist. I got back into my car and drove home.

When I got home I put my purse and bag on the table. "Your soup is ready." Alfred told me. "Thanks Alfred." I said as I went into the dining room. I sat in the dining room eating my soup. Quiet. This soup is so good. Out of nowhere there was a loud smack sound that came from the other room that started me. What was that? "WHATS THIS!?" Dad asked coming into the dining room holding up the pregnancy test. Can't he read. I put my spoon down. "Pregnancy test." I replied. "I know what they are! But why do you have them?" He asked. Then why did he ask what's this? He can be annoying sometimes. Asking stupid questions. Like what are they used for?

"If I find out your pregnant at 18 I'm-" I cut him off. "17" I corrected him. "Well that's worse! Did you take one yet?" He said. "No, I wanted to eat this soup Alfred nicely made me." I said taking a sip of the soup. He threw me the box. "Take it." He ordered. "Okayyy damn." I said as I got up. "Why'd you say?" He asked. "OKAY DAMN!" I replied. When did I get the balls to yell at my dad? I don't know but I like it. I went into the nearest bathroom.

Okay now how do I do this? I look at the directions and follow them. Pee on the stick thing and then wait a few minutes. Seems easy enough. When I was done I walked out of the bathroom. Dad was sitting in the dining room. He looked like he calmed down. Good. "What's it say?" He asked. "I have to wait a few minutes." I told him. I went back to eating my soup. "So what if you are pregnant?" He asked. "Then I'm pregnant." I told him.

"What will Jack say?" Dad asked. "I'm not telling him until until I start showing. But I'm probably not pregnant." I replied. I just want to eat my soup in peace is that to much to ask? "When's the last time you talked to him?" He asked. "Three weeks ago. But we are going to a fancy restaurant tonight." I told him. I almost forgot about that. "What time is it?" I asked. He looked at his watch. "1:49." He replied. I still have time until the date.

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