Chapter 25: the loss

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I was in the middle of pushing when Joker came in. But he was Jack. He gave me a eww look. I smiled. He came to the side of the bed and sat down. "She should be here any minute. Just keep taking deep breaths." The nurse said. "Blade told me the idea about having her first name Jordan and her middle name Ace. I like those names." Joker said "me too." I replied. "Then we'll name her that." He said. I nodded my head. "We're going to need you to push again." The doctors said. I pushed. "Here she is." The doctor said. I was expecting crying but nothing. "Oh wait." The doctor said. "What?" Joker asked. "She's not breathing." The Doctor replied.

"What! You can help her, Right?" I ask. The Doctor checked for sighs of life. He shook his head no. I started cry my eyes out. The nurses cleaned her and put her in a blanket. Joker had tears in his eyes. "Let me hold her." Joker said. The nurse gave the lifeless baby to Joker. "You can't do anything else?" I asked still crying. The doctor shook his head no. The door opened and my dad came in. "Sorry I'm-" he stopped when he seen me crying. He looked at Joker. "She's dead." Joker told him holding back tears. Dad went over to the baby. He shook his head. "This can't be." Dad said. Joker looked at the baby. "Jordan wake up." He said. But nothing. Dad now had tears in his eyes to. "Daddy loves you." Joker told the baby as a tear fell down his face.

He's eyes widen. The baby laughed. "She's not dead." Joker said. The baby laughed again waving her arms around. Joker handed the baby to me. He was right. She was smiling and laughing. I looked at the doctors. "It's a miracle." The nurse said. The doctor took the baby and examined her. "She's perfectly fine." The doctor said. Joker quickly wiped the tears away. The doctor gave her back to me. The nurse and Doctor left. "Want to hold her?" I asked dad. He nodded his head and took the baby. "She's beautiful." Dad said. "I thought she was really gone." Joker said. "I know me to." I replied.

Twitch, bow, and blade walked in. Twitch had tons of pink balloons. Bow had two big teddy bears and Blade had pink roses. It was kinda funny since they're big musclier guys holding girly stuff. "Uh we got this for you." Twitch said. He put the balloons down. Blade sat the roses on the table. Bow gave me the teddy bears. "I couldn't decide what one I should get so I got them both." Bow said. "Thanks." I told them. Dad handed the baby to me. "I have to go. But I'll be back later." He told me. "Okay bye." I said. He walked out of the door. The baby started crying. I sighed. "I have to feed her." I said. Joker gave them a mean look. They looked at each other. "Oh." They said and left.

I started feeding her. "I never seen you cry before." I said to Joker. "I wasn't crying my eyes where just really watery." Joker replied. "Yeah crying." I said. "Whatever." Joker said. "Sound like something you'd do. Pretend your dead then when we think your dead start laughing." I told him. He laughed a bit. "Yeah probably." He said. "I'm allowed to go home tomorrow." I told Joker. "I'll wait here with you until then." Joker said. "You don't have to." I replied. "Yeah but I want to." He said. "Ok." I said.

"Jade." I looked at him. "What if I asked you to marry me?" He asked. I sighed. "I mean yeah I want to but I don't know." I replied. "Why not?" He asked. "How about I make a deal with you? If you quit being a criminal I'll marry you." I said. He sighed. "I just can't quit." He replied. "Then I just can't marry you." I said. "Someday I will but not now. Not yet." He told me. The baby started crying. I stopped feeding her. "She wants you." I said. He shook his head no. "No, she wants her mommy."  He told me. I rocked her back and forth in my arms. She kept crying. I looked at Joker. He stood up. "Give her to me." He said. I gave her to him. She instantly stopped crying. Joker smiled. "I told you." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He replied.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. Bow, Twitch, and Blade came in. "Are you done?" Bow asked. "Yeah." I replied. "When are you coming home?" Bow asked. "Tomorrow." I replied. "Can I hold her?" Twitch asked. "Yeah, but be careful or I'll cut you." Joker said then handed the baby to him. "She's cute. What'd you guys name her?" Bow asked. "We went with Blades idea to name her Jordan and her middle name be Ace." I replied. Blade smiled. "I knew it was a good name." Blade said. "My turn." Bow said. Twitch handed her to Bow. "When she came out we thought she was dead but when Joker held her she just...came back to life." I told them. "Weird." Blade said.

After awhile of Bow holding her, he gave her to Blade. She laughed at him. "She likes you." I said. She held onto his finger. "Yeah she does." Blade said. "Jordan your so cute." Blade said said to her. She laughed more. "Joker can you get me some food?" I asked. He nodded his head then left. Blade handed her back to me. "Ok we'll be going now." Blade said. They all then left. I sighed. "Did you like those guys?" I asked Jordan. She just smiled at me. Dad walked into the room. "Sorry I had to leave. Where's Joker?" He said then sat down. "He went to get me food." I replied. "When I haven't seen you in five months I didn't expect to see you again pointing a gun at me." He said. "Sorry. I wasn't going to shoot you I just wanted to show Joker I would so he didn't suspect anything." I said.

"Speaking of Joker when is he going to turn Good?" He asked. "I just need a bit more time." I replied. "I don't think he will." He told me. "No he's turning good. You seen him, he cried when he thought he lost his daughter." I said. "Yeah but that's not good enough." He replied. "Okay give me a month and I'll turn him I promise." I said. He sighed. "Fine but that's it. If you can't then your helping me turn him in." He replied. "Okay." I said. "I gotta go I don't want to be here when he gets back." He said then got up and left.

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