Chapter 23: Blade

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I woke up to Joker jumping on to the bed. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." He said. "Shhh Joker I'm sleeping." I said. "Nope. Not right now. We have a doctors appointment to go to in an hour." He said. I looked at him. "You scheduled a doctors appointment?" I asked. "Yeah and we are going shopping after awards to." He said. I got up and took a shower. I then but on skinny jeans and a green t-shirt. I walked downstairs. I notice Blade wasn't there. That's not good. I walk into the kitchen. "Where's Blade?" I ask. "He's in his room. Joker messed him up pretty bad." Twitch said.

"Where are you going?" Twitch asked. "Me and Joker are going to the doctors. For like a check up. Then we are going to the store." I told him. Joker came down the stairs but as Jack. It's pretty amazing what some makeup can do. You could never tell it was Joker. "Are you ready?" Joker asked. I shook my head yes. We walked out to his nice purple Lamborghini and got in. "What'd you do to Blade?" I asked. "Taught him a lesson." He replied.

When we got to the doctors we got out and waited in the waiting room. When it was our turn we went in. I sat down. The nurse came in. "Hello miss Wayne." The nurse said. "Hi." I replied. "We are going to do a ultrasound to see how far along you are. Just lay down and I'll put this gel on your tummy." She told me. I laid down and lifted up my shirt. She put this cold gel on my stomach. "When can we tell of its a boy or girl?" I ask. "When your about 5 months." She replied. She put this weird thing on my stomach. It was so she could see inside my stomach.

"You see that right there, that's your baby." She said and pointed to the screen. It was like a little circle. "Nice." I said. I looked at Joker he was looking at the screen smiling. The nurse gave me napkins. I whipped the gel off. "The baby will be born around December 13." She told me then handed me pictures of the ultrasound. I sat up. "Ok thanks." I said then me and Joker left. We got into his car and we drove to the store.

When we got to the store all we bought was baby diapers and purple and green paint for the walls in the baby's room. We also got paint brushes.We decided that we where going to get more stuff when we know if the baby is a boy or girl. We then went home. When I was in the living room I seen Blade. I was going to stick my middle finger up but then I seen he had a scar by his eye. Joker did that to him. It almost made me feel bad. Almost.

We then went upstairs to the baby's room. It was just an empty room with white walls. "So we are going to do those walls purple and those walls green." Joker said pointing to the walls. "Yeah but first we have to lay out the plastic over the carpet." I told Joker. "Oh I forgot that in the car. I'll be right back." He said then left. I sat down and looked at the room. I can't believe in a few months our baby will be here. It's so weird I never imagined me to be a mother.

Twitch came into the room. "I asked Joker if I can help. He said I had to ask you." Twitch told me. "Yeah you can help." I replied. He looked at the room. "I never been up here before. Joker never allowed us. It's nice." He said. Joker came in with the plastic. I helped him lay it out on the floor. We then started painting the walls. Two wall are going to be green and two walls purple. I liked the colors and thought they could be boy colors or they could be girl colors. After about 30 minutes we decided to take a break for the day. We had two and a half walls done. Twitch went back downstairs. "Twitch is nice for helping." I said. Joker just nodded his head.

----Time Skip----

5 months later

I woke up once again from having to puke. I went into the bathroom and puked into the toilet. I looked in the mirror. I was really looking like I was pregnant. I was fat. Yesterday Joker and I went to the doctors and we found out that we are having a girl. The look on his face was priceless. He was so happy. I didn't care what we we're having. He always said he thought it was going to be a girl. We also finished the baby's room. We put a crib in there and everything. We finished the walls to. We did it with Twitch's help. I looked down at my belly. I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to be a mother. It's weird thinking that. I sighed.

I went downstairs. Blade was at the counter. He was the only henchmen out. It was about 3:00 in the morning. It was kinda awkward. I went into the kitchen and got Advil. I got the feeling like I was going to puke again. I tried to make it to the sink but I puked on the floor. "Are you going to make me pick it up?" Blade asked. I sighed. "No, I'll clean it up." I said. I then cleaned it up. It was nasty. "I only made you do it last time because you where an asshole to me." I told him. I washed my hands. I got a cup of water and took the Advil. "I'm sorry." Blade said. I looked at him. What'd he say?

"I was wrong your not Joker's new toy. Your not a whore ether." He said. "Okay and I'm sorry for making you clean up my puke. Even though I know why your apologizing. It's not because your sorry." I said. "Yeah, Joker fucked me up because I was an asshole to you and now I look like this. But I'm still really sorry." He said. "If I knew he was going to do that I would have told him not to. It was a long time ago anyway. But your scar looks badass." I said. He smiled "I know." He said. I went back upstairs and back to bed.

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