Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Hey mom," a voice downstairs said emotionlessly.

That's Elliot. He has a nice voice.

Really Joey? Really? That's your first impression of someone? "He has a nice voice?", I'm hopeless.

I decided to go change. Sweatpants and a loose t-shirt just won't do for a family like the Hunters. But a dress is just too...over. So I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a hollister sweater and a denim jacket over the sweater. I quickly tied back my hair into a loose ponytail and skipped downstairs. 

Standing by the dinner table was a boy around my age, well obviously. He had his back turned to me so I couldn't see his face. But he was a lot taller and had looked really fit. 

"Um, hi?" I waved to no one in particular. 

Elliot turned to face me. "hello," was all he said. Still no emotion.

He had really defined cheekbones and dark brown hair that looked tousled, it stuck out everywhere but it didn't make him look like he just woke up at all. Strange. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of classic jeans. His odd amber eyes seem to burn into mine. Yet his face showed no emotion whatsoever. He was what you could call "cold". 

Olivia quickly took over as if she could sense the awkwardness brewing between Elliot and I. "Ah. Joey! I was just about to go up to get you. Dinner is ready, come along," she gestured towards the dining room. 

I didn't make eye contact with Elliot ever again, but I could feel his eyes on the back of my head. Which was the reason why I never looked him in the eye. 


Dinner was probably not as awkward it could be but it was onlyy like that because I never tried to include myself in their conversations. I just sat there politely chewing on my lasagna. Eventually, it was over and I quickly excused myself to go back upstairs into my room. 

I changed back into my sweats and t-shirt and grabbed my cell phone. I promised my dad that I would call him once I got settled down. 

The phone rang only two times before he picked up. 

"hello?" his familiar voice sounded from the other end. This calmed me. Hearing a family member's voice always makes me feel happy inside.

"Hey dad, it's me. Joey," 

"Listen sweetheart. I'm in the middle of a meeting right now so could I call you back later?" 

And just like that, the feeling was gone. 

"Yeah, sure. I understand," he never ever had time for me. Ever. I sighed. Maybe I should call my mom, but I don't think I should bother her. 

"Great," and just like that. He was gone. 

I sighed as I pressed the hang up button. When will I ever get used to the fact that my dad can never have time for me all the time? He's just too busy. 


Breath Joey. Breath Joey.

It's only the first day of school in a whole different country, in a whole different school, with no friends and connections. No biggie. yeah, I'm not helping myself at all. 

I tried to give myself a prep talk as I stood at the foot of my new school, St. Paul's. I didn't help myself at all. 

After grumpily agreeing to give me a ride to school, Elliot completely pretended that I didn't exist after bringing me to school. I wasn't surprised in the least. For the past two days, he didn't really acknowledge me at home except for the occasional "sorry" or a forced "hello" that Olivia made him say. What was up with him anyway? He think he's so rich that talking to a "poor" girl like me will ruin his reputation? 

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