Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"You may start Ms. Taylor," Esther said without expression clearly curious to see what I've got.

I nodded before taking a deep breath. But before I began, I noticed that Alfie was sitting in the middle of the seats, his eyes fixed on my face. As if he was studying me. I couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable.

But I couldn't let Alfie's gaze interrupt my thoughts. I blinked once again before plunging into my monologue. 

I didn't even knew what had happened, one second I was still scared about what Esther would think and the next I was a completely different person, not afraid nor shy. I presented the monologue with so much expression that...I was in tears by the end. 

I honestly don't know what happened. I was literally shocked at myself, not in a bad way of course, I made a few mistakes here and there but I didn't care. It sounded so natural, almost as if it was supposed to be that way. 

I took deep breaths as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I guess Juliet's words just really got to me. About how she couldn't love Romeo publicly even though she has nothing to do with her families feuds.

"Ms. Taylor that was wonderful, thank you," Esther smiled but did not say anymore, she didn't even applaud like she did for the other girls that tried out for Juliet. My hopes faulted. 

I nodded as I headed down the stairs from the stage. 

"Mr. Anderson!" she hollered for the next person. 

I looked up and saw Alfie staring at me with wide eyes. I frowned. What was there to stare about? I continue to walk without acknowledging him, he was great and Esther clearly liked him, he was definitely getting the role of Romeo and I'm probably not even going to get anything.

"Joey wait!" Alfie skipped down the stairs to talk to me.

I was surprised, what did he want to say to me? "Oh I was soo much better than you!"? I really didn't need that right now.

"Hi Alfie,"

"You were fantastic out there! You're so talented!" he gave me a genuine smile. I couldn't help but smile back. He was nice, unlike his friend, Elliot.

I shivered at the thought of him. It was weird how I even had a reaction to him, weird...

"Thanks, you were perfect out there," I said. It was true, he made no mistake and his entire performance was just simply flawless. I envied his perfection.

"Yeah, that's the problem," he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"How is doing a perfect performance a problem?" I laughed, he was funny.

"You don't understand. Esther is well...different...She doesn't really like perfection and she looks for more of people and people that really understand the play. I've been in a different play of hers last year and she's very unique in her teaching ways," he gave me a sad smile.

"Really? No offense but you just don't seem like the kind of person to try out for know...romantic play," I said shyly. But Alfie didn't seem offended in the least.

"Yeah, a lot of people say that. I'm used to it by this point. I was thinking maybe we could hang out, you know, exchange acting experiences and such," he lifted one eyebrow, "maybe you could come over to my house,"

Psh, yeah right. More like mansion to me. But wait...was he asking me out, "um...I don't think that's a good idea..." I began to blush. I didn't want him to think that I was rejecting him but at the same time, I wanted him to know that I wasn't in for a relationship at the moment.

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