Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Hi, I-I'm Joey and I just recently moved here from P-Philadelphia," I stuttered. But you can't blame me. When you have 30 pairs of eyes from attractive boys all staring at you at the same time, you can't help but stutter like mad. We never did this back in America, but apparently in this school, everyone has to introduce themselves, even if they were here last year.

I've somehow made it through English without any problems, and now I'm in Math, or Maths as they would say.

"Great. Now Joey, why don't you sit by Oli," Mr. Kian averted his gaze towards a black haired boy sitting in the back row. "Oli, raise your hand so she'll know where to sit," 

Oli raised his hand, he looked really friendly with a smile on his face. Or so he looks friendly. 

I made my way through the desks and tried to avoid the intense gazes of the boys as much as I could. Am I that weird? Maybe it was my hair, my fiery red curly strands often scare away the nicest of boys. I sighed as I sit down next to Oli. 

"Hey," he whispered to me, his light blue irises staring at my green ones. 

"Hi," I whispered back, Mr. Kian had already started to speak about trigonometry. I wasn't about to get in trouble on the first day of school here. 

"You know, I just recently moved from Connecticut like two months ago," Oli explained, but his eyes never left the blackboard. It's almost as if his eyes were permanently glued onto the board or something.

"Ahh, that explains why you don't have the fancy British accent," I tried to do one myself when I spoke the words "British accent" but I probably sounded like a retarded duck.

"Yeah, w-" just as he began to say something. He was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door. Everyone turned to face the door.

"Come in," Mr. Kian said.

In walked none other than the boy who spent the last two days ignoring me the best he could, Elliot Hunter.

"Excuse me Mr. Kian," he said with a tiny smile on his face as if he was amused by something. His amber eyes shined under the light, "Could I speak to Joey for a moment?" 

Oh, so now he wants to talk to me? Great timing Elliot, just great...

"Of course. Joey, why don't you and Mr. Hunter go outside to discuss whatever that you need to discuss," Mr. Kian gestured towards the door.

"S-sure," I stuttered again, could I be more awkward?

Outside, Elliot handed me a textbook that I've never even notice him have before. Maybe he was hiding it behind his back. 

"Here's your maths textbook," he thrusted the book towards me. I couldn't help but notice his muscles flex.

I gave him a confused look, but at the same time I was shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts I was getting of him. 

He sighed, "somehow, I got your maths textbook. So here I am, returning it to its rightful owner," he shrugged, without much emotion, what a surprise.

"Oh, well, thanks I guess," I stared at him. He squirmed, just like I expected, "Elliot, why do you hate me so much?"

"I don't hate you," he looked astonished, as if I wasn't speaking English. 

"Then why do you never talk to me? We live in the same house for goodness sake! I think it's about time that I get some answers," I crossed my arms. Just then a boy came up to Elliot. He had sandy blonde hair that hung into his aqua eyes and he had a half smirk on his face.

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