Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Today was the day that I called Faith.

Faith was my best friend back in the states. We were always inseperable and everyone around us knew it. I was literally in tears when I found out that I had to leave for London, we even considered stuffing Faith into my suitcase. It was quite large, so it wasn't necessarily impossible. 

Almost like always she picked up the phone after exactly two rings, not really sure why she does this though, "hello?"

"Hey Faye!" yeah, that was my nickname for her.

"Oh my god Jo!" she squealed but then instantly became serious, "why didn't you call me before? You landed almost three weeks ago didn't you?" 

"Yeah, I did. But...things have been happening and I guess I just didn't find the time to call you. I'm sorry," and I really was. I couldn't believe I haven't called her yet. I've even called my other friend Julia before her. I was really a horrible friend.

"Ooooh, I see," she said wickedly, I could almost imagine her eyebrows wiggling right now, "what kind of things?" 

"oh just the usual, homework and such. It's just rubbish. Really," I shrugged.

"You realize that you're already picking up on the British slang?" she giggled, "but I know you're lying. You say "really", whenever you lie and this time it's no different."

Damn her good memory, "fine. Maybe it has something to do with my new homestay family," I gave in, I knew I was going to have to tell her eventually. So I launched into the story of everything, Elliot, Grace, Rhys, Oli, the Phanies, the play...Everything.

Faith was silent after I finished explaining everything which surprisingly didn't take too long, and it's not a good thing when Faith is silent because something huge is going to come of it.

"You know what I think is happenig here Joey?" she said deep in thought.

"What?" I smirked, "oh wait! I know! Elliot hates my guts and want me dead. Yeah, that's right," I said sarcastically. But when the words came out I almost choked, the words felt like bitter poison.

"Ha. Yeah right," she laughed, "why don't we skype? I want to see your face,"

"Sure," I was home alone apart from Elliot anyway, and he was always just in his room on his computer or reading. Talk about a bookworm.

Ten minutes later, I was face to computer with my best friend back home. Her chestnut coloured hair was pulled to the side in a braid and her blue eyes shining like sapphires.

"As I was saying..." she continued, "I think that Elliot likes you. As in a big huge crush on you," she said smugly.

Then I began to laugh. I loved Faith and everything, but her ideas were just so outrageous sometimes. It made no sense whatsoever.

Her face twisted in horror, "why are you laughing?"

"Why aren't you laughing?" I said between giggles.

"Because there's nothing to laugh about!" she stared at me with a very funny expression.

"Yes there is! You're saying that Elliot likes me," I repeated just to make sure she understood what she just said.

"I honestly do not know what's so funny!" 

"Have you not heard anything I just said to you?!" I gave off a sad laugh. Faith was so clueless, "If you were listening to what I just said you'll know that there's zero chance of him liking me,"

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