Chapter Twenty

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I just want to say that this story is going to be around 30 chapters. Give or take one or two :) I just wanted to let you guys know :)

Chapter Twenty

"I'm so excited!" Alfie squealed beside me. I would be super happy and excited too if Elliot wasn't sitting right beside me sending me daggers through his eyes. I was sandwiched between a very moody boy, whom I have a very complicated relationship with and a very nice, gay boy whom I enjoy spending time with. Sigh.

"Yeah, me too!" I tried to sound enthusiastic but it probably sounded really forced. Today was New Years Eve. In less than 6 hours, it was going to be a new year. I'm not sure whether I should be happy or not. I mean, it's supposed to be all exciting and stuff but I just couldn't bring myself to be thrilled. A new year meant growing up and I was not anywhere close to growing up.

"I know how awkward you feel around Elliot, but he asked and I couldn't just say no, he is one of my best friends," Alfie leaned in and then whispered into my ear.

"It's okay, I'll just try to ignore him," I whispered back. But Elliot's hand was just laying on the arm vacant. I shook my head, I needed to stop.

But why did he just have to come along? Everything would've been so fun and well, not confusing without him! I could actually focus on the play if he wasn't here. But here he was. Why did he have to ask Alfie if he could join us? He knows Alfie can never say no to anyone.

The lights dimmed and I knew right away that the play was about to start. I got comfortable in my seat and glued my eyes to the people on the stage. 

I wasn't a very emotional person. Okay fine, I lied. I am so emotional. 

By the end of the play I was in tears and the ground around me was full of tissue papers. It wasn't just because of the play although it was the majority. I mean, who wouldn't cry if they saw Romeo and Juliet die together? Plus...I played the role of Juliet in the school play. But now that I watched the original play, I realized how crappy my acting was compared to these actors and actresses.

A quarter of it is because of my dad and that evil Bitch, Ellis. Why did she just have to seduce him? She's like 20 years younger than him. It's disgusting! My dad isn't Picasso! I don't want a stepmum. Why didn't mum tell me about this? I'm still in shock. How could she do that to me? Everybody know it's worse to see it actually happen in real life than hearing about it in person.

Then the rest of it is Elliot. He has no idea how much pain he has caused me in the past few months. Acting like I meant nothing to him after we kissed. He might not know this but it was my first kiss. Yeah, it was. Faith always made fun of me for this but I guess I just didn't find the right person yet. Until Elliot came along. Even though he is definitely not the person, I can't believe I wasted my first kiss on him. He didn't even apologize or anything, all he does was send me weird glares and cause pain to me.

Jeez, he was a horrible person. But we can't deny the fact that he was incredibly handsome.

"Are you seriously crying?" he smirked at me.

"Shut up you emotionless jerk," I said plainly. I was so tired, I didn't feel like arguing with him right now. I just wanted to go home and sleep. 

"Wow, you're very very moody today. Is it that time of the month..." Elliot asked with a weird grin. I wanted to wipe it off his face.

"Did you not hear me say shut up?" A fake smile plastered across my face.

He shut up.

"Alrighty. Let's go," Alfie sensed the tight atmostphere around us and immediately came to the rescue. That's what I loved about Alfie.

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