Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Joey's POV

The boy's expression changed from embarressment to confusion to shock in a matter of seconds.

"Wh-what?" he breathed.

"I said. If you were my doctor-" 

"I know what you said but what do you mean?" he demanded and his face turned white immediately.

"I'm sorry if this sounds rude but doctors aren't really supposed to say things that what you're saying right now..." I gave him a puzzled look.

"I. I'll be right back. Stay right here," he pointed at me with one finger before storming off.

I looked around me. As if I could move.

Elliot's POV

"Why the fuck is she calling me her doctor?" I swore at the nurse that was standing outside. Profanitism didn't come to me easily but I guess it didn't matter right now. I was just so freaking mad!

"Mr. Hunter, please calm down and control your emotions, this is a hospital," she guided me to a seat beside her. "Ms. Taylor hit her head really hard tonight. And the doctors predicted that she might experience some memory loss,"

"Is this memory loss permanent?" I asked very impatiently.

"Um. We aren't sure. If she's lucky, she will get her memory back if she's no-" but she was interrupted by Joey.

"Liz! You can stop pretending now!" she was snorting and laughing.

I gave Liz a look and she responded back by whispering in my ear,"this was all her idea,"

Wait what? 242

As I hurried back to the room a bunch of questions rushed into my head. It couldn't be could it?

One look at Joey's face and my question was answered. It could.

She was laughing. Well it looked like she was in pain at the same time so I wasn't sure if it was of joy or something else.

"What are you laughing about?" I huffed with anger.

She didn't respond right away because she was still laughing. But eventually, she was able to calm down and answer me in between gasps.

"Y-you should've seen your face. It was hilarious!" she pointed at me. Well at least she lifted her arm as much as she could because there was still IV's attached to her.

"This was all a joke?" I gasped so loudly the doctors and nurses from outside all peeked their heads in to see if something was wrong. 


Joey's POV

I felt guilty. Yes, Joey Rose Taylor felt guilty for playing such a big prank on him. I didn't know it was going to have such a big effect on him. I thought it was going to be hilarious, but I didn't think it was going to be this hilarious.

"Yes, yes it was all a joke. Don't worry, I didn't lose my memory," I smiled at him, hoping to bring the blood back to his face with my smile. No luck. He seemed even more angrier than before.

"I can't believe you!"

"Why are you so mad?" I felt like hiding under my blankets by this point.

"Why am I so mad?" he began to pace around the room, giving me an unsettling feeling.

"Yes. I think that's what I asked you," I said slowly.

"I know what you said," he snapped suddenly as he ran a hand through his hair. That's when I noticed the bags under his eyes.

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