Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter is SO short like it doesn't even reach 1000 words! I don't really need it to be long and I'm posting two chapters at once anyway. Thanks for reading :)

Chapter Fourteen

I'm shaking. Like I'm literally shaking because I'm so nervous. 

The MC is standing outside introducing the play and I'm backstage sweating and shaking like a pathetic pig. Yes, it's performance day, December 21st and I'm spazzing out.

"You look like you're going to pass out," Alfie said worriedly, "are you sure you're able to do this?"

I can't believe this is actually happening. All the hardwork that we've put into this play is all going to be worth it in a matter of a few seconds. OR...I could just humiliate myself greatly and ruin the reputation that I never had. Yeah, probably the second choice.

"Y-yeah I'm ok. I'm just a little...n-nervous that's all," I gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Sure. Just a little nervous," he laughed quietly. "Why are you so nervous anyway? You're always so great in rehearsals, I'm sure it's all going to be so perfect,"

"But Alfie! Rehearsals and the actual thing is completely different!" I sighed as I grasped my sweaty hand, "in rehearsals, Esther is the only one that watches us, but now who knows how many people are out there awaiting for me to embarress myself to the core?"

"Don't worry. Here listen, whenever I get nervous on stage, I just imagine that everyone in the audience are a grandmas that are asleep," he said, totally serious.

I giggled. But the happiness didn't last very long.

"Oh Joey, it's going to be fine!" he gently caressed my cheek with one of his hands. This immediately triggered that morning two weeks ago. Elliot. 

I've been avoiding him all this time, but it wasn't that difficult because he was doing the exact same thing, I guess his hormones were just acting up that day and needed someone to release them on. Great, I was just machine that he used. But my feelings for him haven't faltered a bit. I guess they were stronger than I thought.

"Joey c'mon," Alfie nudged my arm.

I blinked, "what?"

"We have to go up now," he said as smiled at me once again.

"Right," I nodded my head. Crap. We have to go now, oh my god, I'm going to die and make a big fool of myself. 

Alfie pushed me slightly and I stumbled on stage. I gave him a death glare. But I faced the crowd with a brilliant smile.

Old grandmas that are sleeping, old grandmas that are sleeping. I chanted to myself throughout the entire play.

Then before I knew it, it was the time for the kissing scene. 

I took a death breath and prepared to lean in, but something caught my eye. I turned my head just slightly and sitting beside Charlie and Olivia was Elliot with a weird expression. But nonetheless, I leaned in completely and our lips collided. His lips were soft but the kiss lacked the fire that Elliot and I had. It was nice, almost too nice. It had no meaning. 

Everyone in the crowd cheered, but not Elliot. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen. Probably in the bathroom.

But somehow I felt that it was for a different reason. Something a lot more meaningful. 


After the play, everyone went to Cheesies for dinner to celebrate. I didn't really feel like it. Something was nagging the back of my mind and I couldn't really think straight. I wanted to go home. Like right away. 

I ran down the streets. But there was someone really tall walking right in front of me. His figure was lean and familiar. I walked just a bit faster to make sure I could see his face properly before I made a move.

It was definitely Elliot.

"Hey," I tapped his shoulder. "Why did you leave? Don't you know that it's rude to leave during the middle of a performance?"

"Why should I care?" he said coldly.

I felt as if I've been stung. I didn't like this Elliot at all. Not one bit.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"You heard me," he said once again without much emotion in his voice. 

"I think it has something to do with Alfie kissing me," I looked down at my shoes.

"Are you serious?" he laughed, but it wasn't his usual cheerful laugh, it was cold like ice, and it gave me the shivers. "I can't believe you think I like you,"

"I-I never said that," I stuttered.

"But you clearly meant it," his mouth was a straight line, "That kiss we shared, didn't mean anything, I don't know what I was thinking," 

Tears sprang into my eyes before I could even do anything about it. Why was he acting this way? 

"I never s-said it meant anything to me either," I swallowed a hiccup that just about escaped. 

"OK, but I just don't want you to think that I would ever date you. I'm sorry but you're not my type," he shrugged with no care whatsoever and walked off into the darkness.

Leaving me standing there, feeling as empty as ever. 

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