Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I'm still sick.

I hate being sick. *sniffle*

But at least it's the weekends so I can't miss school, which is good.

Elliot stayed home the entire weekend. When I asked him why, all he said was because he had nothing to do. Which I find very unbelievable because I could literally hear Alfie and Charlie calling him and he would just ignore them. Such a great friend.

But even though he was home the entire weekend, it's almost as if he's there but he's not there at the same time. 

I spent the entire weekend either on my laptop or talking to friends, Grace, Rhys, Oli, Faith and even Alfie.

Grace said that the party went great but she was worried about me constantly and I smiled because it felt good to know that someone out there cared about you.

My throat suddenly began to close up. It wasn't an asthma attack, I just haven't drank water for almost 18 hours - yes, I counted - so I made my way towards Elliot's door. Just as I lifted my fist ti knock the third time. The door swung open, revealing a very disleveled and angry Elliot.

"How many times have told you to just call me?" he fumed.

"Um two times?" I said sheepishly, "I just didn't want to call you because you know, my throat is really dry and I don't want to yell..."

He shook his head, "whatever, go back to your room and I'll go get your water," he pushed past me to go to the kitchen.

I honestly don't even know what's up with Elliot this weekend. He's acting too nice. it's freaking me out. I'm afraid he's going to kill me and he wants me to enjoy my last few days. Haha, I'm just joking, I don't think he's going to kill me although I am very curious as to why he's acting this nice.

I climbed back into my bed as I grabbed my phone. I sniffled and hid under the covers, I really wasn't feeling very well, but I needed to go to school tomorrow. 

knock knock

"Come in," I didn't bother coming out of the covers. I knew it was Elliot and I didn't need to act for him.

"Are you okay?" he sounded concern even though I couldn't even see his face.

"Yeah I'm fine," I sniffled again as I came out of the covers. My hair was a complete mess and I probably looked horrible with my baggy sweat pants and hoodie. But I didn't care. He handed me the glass and I looked into the clear shiny water.

"You don't look fine at all," he sat down at the edge of my bed. So I scooched a bit farther away from him. He lifted his hand for a second but he quickly put it back down.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" I continued to rotate the water glass in my hand

"Go ahead," he ran a hand through his golden hair.

"Why are you being so nice to me this weekend?" I looked up at his quickly before looking back down again.

He was silent. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I don't know. I guess I just want to know since you're always so pissed off at me for no reason," I shrugged. "Maybe you should leave. I wanna get some sleep, maybe taking a nap will help fix my body. I really want to go to school tomorrow,"

"OK. I have stuff to do as well," he scratched his head awkwardly before leaving in a rush. "Just call me if you need anything,"

"Yeah," I half whispered after he left. He probably didn't hear me anyway. Something was happening in the back of my mind and I wasn't really sure what. It gave me this really unsettling feeling and I didn't like it one bit. So I tried to push it away from me as I drifted off.

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