Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Alfie pulled on my arm. "You have to come with us!" 

I groaned. "Why? I hate shopping! And this is New York City. On Boxing Day! Imagine the line up. I don't even want to think about it. It hurts my head," Who here hates shopping? no one? Well, okay. I HATE it, despise it, loathe it. Whatever you call it. If my mom had good fashion taste, I would ask her to buy my clothes for me. Except she doesn't so I have to shop for my own clothes. Damn. Yeah, it's hard to find a girl that hates shopping, but here I am, absolutely loathing shopping since the day I was born and probably until the day I die.

"Exactly why you need to go shopping, you silly girl!" Alfie smacked me on the arm. "I can't believe you don't like shopping. What's wrong with you?" 

"Nothing is wrong with me! Why does every single person on this goddamn planet expect me to like shopping? Damn it!" I stomped my foot on the floor of the hallway.

"Honestly Joey. What were you planning to do this entire day if you aren't going to go shopping?" he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I'm going to... um..." I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. To be honest, I was planning on drowning in my thoughts about Elliot this entire day in my hotel room. I couldn't get the kiss we shared yesterday out of my mind. We both just went to sleep right after anyway, without talking, discussing or anything of that matter. It really bothered me. It made me feel like he used me again.

"I knew it!" he pointed at me triumphantly, "You had nothing to do! So now you're going to have to come shopping with me! hahahaha,"

I glared at him, "I don't have to do anything Alfieboy," 

"Hey! Don't call me that, it's reserved for my mum," he pouted. I laughed, he was so funny. 

"But I suppose I can-"

"Yes! I knew you were going to give in!" he laughed evilly. Wow.

"I never said that!" I half glared half smiled at him. 

"Yeah yeah, sure sure," he looked at his shoes. "now go change, quickly, go on,"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?" I looked down at my sweatpants and Ugg boots,"

"Everything my dear, everything," he shook his head.

"But if I'm going shopping, shouldn't I be wearing comfortable clothes?" I gave him an obvious look.

"True..." he tapped his chin thoughtfully, "fine. Just this once though," 

Then I realized something, "where's Charlie? I haven't seen him around,"

"Oh he didn't come along at all," Alfie told me.

"What?!" I nearly screamed at him. "How could he not come?"

"I dunno, he just didn't want to I guess. he hates shopping," Alfie shrugged. "Plus, he hates the crowds. To sum it up, he just hates a lot of things. "

"Let's get going. We should probably start before everyone starts shopping. It'll be chaotic and we definitely do not want that,"

"Okay..."he gave me an odd look before turning to leave.


Exactly six hours and twenty minutes later. My feet were aching, my arms were trembling and my hands were red from holding so many shopping bags. 

"Can we please go now?" I begged Alfie for the millionth time in the past hour.

"Okay, one last store!" he eyed the rows and rows of shops along the street with excited eyes.

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