Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Elliot's POV

I watched her sleep. 

Okay, that sounded a lot less creepier in my mind.

But I did. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms and watched her sleep. Her fiery red hair was spread out across the pillow and her coloured lips were parted just slightly. She was lying on her back and her chest rose and fell according to her breathing.

Now she hates me. It really shouldn't bother me that much. But it really did. 

I didn't know why until a few seconds before.

I was in love with Joey. Yeah, "love" is an awfully strong word isn't it? But I know how I feel about her and it surpasses the "like" stage by a lot.

To be honest, I have no idea why I left her in that hospital in London. She could've died. But I just left her because I was too damn jealous to function.

At first I thought I was just being protective. Like a big brother. But then I realized it was a lot more than that. I was definitely being protective, just not in a brotherly way. 

When I saw her kiss Thomas that Friday night. I felt like Cupid just pierced me with one of his arrows. It hurt but at the same time, I fell in love.

Joey stirred a bit and I immediately flattened myself against the wall, hoping she won't wake up and start screaming her head off at me. That would be extremely hard for me to contain.

I left her. It was nearly three pm on a Saturday but she just had to take a nap. Not like I would've done anything with her if she was awake, but still.

So I called up all her friends and my friends. 

Alfie, Charlie, Oli, Rhys and Grace. 

"Guys. I have an emergency," that was the first thing I said to them when I called them up in a group call.

"What?" Rhys said, sounding surprised. That guy always seemed to be surprised about something.

"It's about Joey," 

"We'll be there in ten minutes. Right guys?" Grace said immediately.



"You're an idiot Elliot. You are a fucking idiot," Grace swore at me.

"Whoa there, calm down," I put up a hand.

"No. I refuse to calm down!" Grace glared at me. Everyone else just sat back and enjoyed the show Grace and I seemed to putting up. "You are an idiot. Everybody else realized this except you. Everybody. How could you be so clueless Elliot? I mean, I know guys are really clueless when it comes to relationships-"

"Hey. I'm right here," Charlie gestured towards himself.

"I know," Grace said with an obvious tone,"anyhow, I just really think you should've realized that you bloody fancy her by now," 

"I do realize that," I glared at her.

"Just weeks later than everybody else," Alfie muttered under his breath as if doing that will cause me to not hear him.

"I can still hear you Alfie," I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Anyway. So. Elliot. What are you going to do?" Grace fluttered her eyelashes.

"I-I have no idea," I admitted sadly. "She doesn't even like me-"

Everybody laughed.

"Why are you guys laughing at me?" I looked around with a confused face. "Wait. Don't tell me..."

"You seriously still believe that she doesn't like you?" Oli said between laughs. "Please!"

"Okay, you guys are creeping me out," I looked at every single person in the room. "Are you saying she likes you?"

"Ahem. Elliot," Alfie spoke up, "Let's just say she cried when you left with that brunette at lunch. She got pissed when you left her at the hospital, and also, she never went on a date with Thomas," 

Wait what? 

"Okay let me get this straight," I straightened my back,"she likes me?" 

"NOOOOO," a chorus of voices said that the same time. It's almost like they rehearsed it. 

"But if she never went on a date with Thomas-"

"It was as friends. Nothing more," Grace smiled, "also, I'm sure you saw them kiss. Joey told me after that she hated it and would've much rather be kissing you-"

"What?" I was astonished.

"Okay fine. I was exaggerating for that last part. But she didn't enjoy it," Grace said sheepishly ,"but. Thomas does really like her. So if you want to make a move. You'd better do it fast,"

"I want to ask her to be my girlfriend," I stated ,"and I've got a plan. Now that I know she actually might, possibly, sort of have a tiny crush on me. I think I might have a chance,"

Everyone snorted.

"I just need you guys' help on this one," I leaned in.

"OOhh I love secret plans," Charlie rubbed his hands together.

"Me too!" Grace chimed in.

"Here's what we're going to do..."


Not really a chapter but I needed to write this. 

Only 3 chapters and an epilogue left!


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