Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I honestly can't believe it.

I just can't interpret what just happened, I simply CANNOT.

I've wanted to go back to America to visit for awhile now and now it's become reality. Except for a tiny little problem...we're going to with the school. Yes, St. Paul's not Rosewood, St. Paul's. 

The moment Mr. Keeting broke the news to us, the classroom just fell into chaos. He literally had to stand on his desk and wave his hands around to get everyone's attention.

Everyone was jittering and hyper from the news and I was no exception. 

"Oh my god!" I squealed as I grabbed Oli's arm, "I can't believe we're going to New York and Philly for Christmas and New Year's Day!" I sighed with happiness. 

"Yeah, it's going to be so much fun! Going back to the States...We won't be the weird people with American accents anymore!" he laughed.

"Yes! I agree. And plus...I've visited New York quite a bit since I live only an hour and a half from there, it's going to be so much fun!" I bit my lip as I imagined what it was going to be like there. I've been to New York for Christmas Day, but New Years Day was going to be a whole different matter. Apparently, the fireworks that goes off on New Years Day is just spectacular and you haven't lived if you haven't seen the NYC fireworks. 

"Everyone!" Mr. Keeting's loud voice boomed, everyone stopped talking immediately, "Settle down! I understand you guys might be very excited, I'm very excited as well, but remember, we are still in school, and I need to say quite a few things to you before class ends,"

Everyone turned their attention towards Mr. Keeting.

"Great. So, we are going to be going from the 21st of December to the 2nd of January. This is not only a chance to get to see the Big Apple, but also a good learning experience," the moment those words left his mouth. Everyone groaned. "Learning"? on Christmas? This was new.

"Yes, learning. Although..." he winked at us before continuing, "we are only going to visiting a few museums and taking some notes on the Statue of Liberty. No other classes are doing this though. You guys are lucky!" he grinned.

We all laughed. Mr. Keeting is officially my favourite teacher here. 

"Plus...there's going to exactly zero homework," he used his hand to make an "o" shape.

Everyone cheered.

"Eh eh. But wait. We can't let any other class know about this because then the teachers are going to get mad and we won't be able to do this anymore." he said solemnly and everyone immediately began to nod their heads in agreements, kids here are so responsive.

"Alright. Please pick-up a package when you leave after class today, they are on the side of my desk. It will contain all the information about this trip. It'll be a little bit costly mind you," he chuckled.

Shoot. I haven't actually thought about how much money this trip will cost. Maybe five thousand dollars? I'm going to have to pay for some parts of it because it's the right thing to do. Hopefully my parents will be willing to pay for most of it. 


After class ended, I took a package like Mr. Keeting asked us to and headed out the door. Today was rehearsal day and I couldn't be late. So I ran to the drama room. By the time I reached the door, I was panting like a dog on a hot summer day. So I just spent a few seconds waiting outside the door, flattening my hair and trying to calm myself down.

"What are you doing?" Alfie said as he sneaked up behind me.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I smacked him on the arm. 

He just laughed. 

"And to answer your question. I was just about to go inside to attend the rehearsal," I glared at him one more time, but I wasn't actually angry.

"Yeah, me too. Hey are you excited about the play? It's in two weeks!" he exclaimed as he pulled opened the door, revealing a very frustrated Esther.

"Two weeks?" I shrieked. Time went by so fast! I thought there was still going to be at least three weeks! "I'm screwed,"

"Why? You're doing perfectly fine. And trust me, I'm sure you're going to be fantastic," Alfie reassured me with a kind smile, "but hey, don't enjoy the kissing scene too much. I'm gay remember?" he laughed after seeing the expression that had slowly reached my face.

The kissing scene...this was going to be awkward. But at least he was gay so nothing would come of it. I guess kissing a straight guy would a lot more weird.

"Trust me. I won't" I rolled my eyes.

"Hey! That hurt!" he tried to act hurt.

We both laughed as we joined our cast members on stage. 


"Hey mum!" I said happily as I sat cross-legged on my bed. I was calling her first to ask her for permission to go on that field trip. Then I was going to have to deal with dad...

"Oh my gosh Joey! It's so great to hear your voice," she exclaimed. 

"It's great to hear your voice too. How have you been lately?" I asked.

"You know, just enjoying the alone time I'm getting without you," she chuckled. 

"Hey! I wasn't that much of a nuisance!" but I laughed too. I guess I could be a just a tiny bit troublesome. "Um mum, I need to ask you something,"

"Sure honey, go ahead,"

"So here's thing," I played with my nails, my parents have always been the really protective kind. "The school I'm attending is organizing this field trip and I sort of need your permission to go,"

"Oh that's great! Where to?" she asked.

"Ok, please please please say yes please please -" I crossed my fingers and rocked back and forth on my bed.

"Just say it!" my mum laughed at me.

"Alright. We're going to New York and wait for it wait for it. Philadelphia," I half opened my eyes.

She was silent for a moment, "it is a bit far away don't you think?"

"Yeah it is but it's not like I'm going alone. We're on teacher supervision," I rolled my eyes. 

"True. But it's going to cost quite a bit. How are you going to pay for it?" she started to throw questions at me which I definitely did not appreciate.

"Maybe dad can pay for half of it and I'll pay for the other half, I have some money in my savings," I shrugged. In fact, now that I think about it. I have quite a bit of money in my bank account. Around $2000. And since we are going to be going to the States, American money is going to come in handy.

"I suppose so..." she trailed off. I could tell she was still trying to think of questions to ask me, "but you're in an all boys' school, are you sure this is safe?"

"Of course, I mean, they're going to have to give me my own hotel room right?" I gulped. They are aren't they?


Sorry guys for the immensely short chapter. This is my second chapter of the day so cut me some slack ;)

Also, here's the thing. It might seem like I'm obssessed with NYC lately and it's true. All my stories either take place in New York or involves a trip to new york. Although that seems to be the case again for this story. Please just bare with me, I promise you it'll be all worth it in the end.

Thanks again for reading everyone and for the 20k reads on Heads I Win, Tails You Lose, it really does mean a lot to me :)



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