Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Halloween is today. Should I be excited? I don't know.

The rehearsals for the play has been great so far, Alfie's fantastic, everyone else is great too. Life is good...apart from you-know-who. He's just been a big pain in the ass lately, well not really lately because he's always been a pain in the ass. But nonetheless, it seems like he's getting really irritated with a lot of things really quickly. Maybe his hormones are kicking in. Yeah, that's it.

I'm being Merida from brave this halloween. I honestly don't even need any costumes or a lot of makeup, I just need to make my hair even more puffier than usual and voila. I'm Merida. Well, of course, I had to find a blue dress to wear since she's always wearing that blue dress of hers everywhere which I don't understand because if you're going to go horseback riding, why would you wear a dress? Like why?

But I'm not going horseback riding today so I'm perfectly fine with wearing a dress. Although I was never the type of girl who wore dresses on a daily-basis, in fact, I'm not the type of girl that wears dresses or skirts in general. They get in the way of a lot of things.

Grace and Rhys are having a party at their place today. They've dragged me to come, which I would've been totally fine with if they hadn't invited Elliot to come too. At first he was sort of reluctant if he should go, and I was totally glad that he didn't want to. But then in the end, Grace somehow convinced him to come. It's almost as if she's doing this to achieve a certain goal...

Now I have to walk to all the way to Grace and Rhy's house with Elliot, but at least Alfie and Charlie are coming along as well. I'm happy about Alfie, but no so much about Charlie. 

"Are you ready to go?" I knocked on Elliot's door.

"Just a minute," he voice sounded, "you can come in if you want,"

So I did. 

He was sitting by his desk with a girl towering over him. She was doing his make-up.

Her blonde curls cascaded down her back and her light blue eyes twinkled as she touched his face and his ears and his everything. 

Something churned inside my stomach and I wasn't even sure what it was. I just didn't feel good, mentally, not physically. But at least she wasn't kissing him or - wait, why did I just think that?

"Um what is she doing?" I asked sounding a bit rude.

"What does she look like she's doing? She's my mom's make-up person and she's doing my make-up. I'm being a zombie," he said not looking at me.

"Looks like she's doing a bit more than that," I mumbled under my breath, 

"What did you say?" he turned his face towards mine.

"Oh nothing," I put on a fake smile, "hurry up,"

"Almost done..." the girl, lady whatever you want to call her said as she dabbed a few more puffs of make up. "voila! Elliot the zombie,"

She turned the chair around so I could get a full view of him and man did he look like a zombie, and a good looking one might I add.

Shut up brain.

"Ok, let's go," he stood up, "thanks Kate,"

Wow, she has the same name as my mom. wonderful.

"Yeah, come on," I ushered him out the door. "Alfie and Charli

"Wow, you're impatient today," he smirked.

Yeah, why was I impatient?

"No I'm not," I lied. I just had to endure twenty minutes of walking with him. Then all's gonna be good. Only twenty minutes.

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