Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Hey, wake up," someone gently nudged me on the arm.

"What?" I swapped at whatever was interrupting my dream.

"You have to wake up, it's trip day," 

I sat up right away. I looked up whoever it was that was pushing me. Of course it was Elliot.

"Get out," I pointed to the door. I don't want to see him and I definitely do not want him in my room.

"Alright. I'm just saying, we're going to be late if you don't get up soon," he shrugged but I swear a flicker of surprise was present when I said get out.

After he left, I scrambled up to get ready. Luckily, I already packed the night before so I didn't need to do much. Imagine having to wake up at 5 am - yes, it's only 5 am right now - and having to pack an entire suitcase. Oh the horror.

I don't understand why flights are always so early in the morning. Like come on! A nine o'clock flight is just too early. I absolutely despised early mornings. I'm grouchy and cranky. 

After brushing me teeth and combing my hair I slipped on a pair of comfortable black sweats, a hoodie that says Harvard - don't ask me why I have this because I swear to god I've never even stepped foot into the Harvard campus, I just found it lying in the back of my closet when I packed for London - it was huge and comfortable, perfect for traveling. 

I don't understand why girls wear such fancy outfits on traveling days. How is not uncomfortable and absolutely just annoying? I would hate to be wearing tight jeans or high heels on a plane. 

My moustache messenger bag was lying on the couch by the window, I quickly ran to retrieve it. It had everything I needed for the eight and a half hour flight. A good book (the fault in our stars), my phone, my laptop (to write my cheesy romance story), earphones, passport, bathroom essentials etc.

I tied my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my suitcase. I took one last look at my room before heading downstairs. 

Elliot was already in the car so I didn't really have anytime to eat anything, that really annoyed because breakfast was the most important meal of the day. At least I was able to slip in a granola bar. It was better than nothing right? 

Our class agreed to meet at the school at 5:30. It was absolutely pitch dark outside and it scared the crap out of me. I might be brave for sports and all that, but when it comes to darkness... I'm basically a scaredy cat.

The drive was uncomfortable and just a tiny bit awkward but both of us didn't say anything. 

I just couldn't seem to get away from him no matter how hard I try. Everywhere I go, there he was. Anything I see can trigger a memory that we shared. 

But at the same time, He was such an asshole, I wanted to punch him. 

Yeah, that was what I was thinking the entire drive.


"Are you freaking kidding me?" I screeched. Everyone turned to look at me. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that in a plane where everybody can see you. But you couldn't blame me! Mr. Keeting just had to put me and Elliot beside each other, side by side. And me on the inside too! Jesus... Here I am, trying to rid myself of all feelings for him but fate is really not on my side.

Elliot looked up at me with a shocked face. He was already in his seat and I was still standing in the aisle completely red-faced.

"Hey um, d-do you want to switch seats?" a scrawny looking boy with brown hair said to me.

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