Chapter 3

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The week soon ended faster then everyone thought. The apartment was definitely bigger than Wally and Artemis expected. There were two bedrooms which was good if someone came to visit and wanted to stay over. They hadn't gotten the chance to go shopping yet which made Artemis groan every time she saw the empty fridge. "So what do journalists actually do?" Wally asked as she crossed her arms and shot him a glare. "What exactly do physicists do?" She shot back with a sly smirk. He had been teasing her for doing journalism for months now.

     Walking over she ruffled his hair as he groaned. "Arty why do you do this?" He whined as he tried fixing his hair. She honestly didn't know why he cared about his hair because he never did anything with it. "So Mr. West how about we go and get some dinner?" She asked swinging the car keys around her finger. "Actually we have to meet Dick for dinner" he said as she raised an eyebrow. She wasn't informed of this like usual. Her birthday was coming up soon and he needed Dick's help for her present.

The problem was that the thing he was getting was hard to sneak in. "Yes but he actually needs me to grab something for him but I will meet you there" he said as she crossed her arms. Wally was a horrible liar. "What does he need you to grab?" She asked as he stood up and ran a hand through his hair. "Just some....stuff" he said with a nervous laugh as she walked closer to him. "You know I'll kick your ass if your lying to me" she said resting her hand against his chest. "Anyways I'll see you soon then, love you" she said leaning up and pecking his lips before leaving the apartment.

Sighing he texted Dick and then waited a couple minutes. Slipping his sweater on he left the apartment complex and went to the animal shelter a couple blocks down. Arty was going to love this present plus he wanted a dog himself. Walking in he smiled at the lady as he walked up to the front desk. He was here last night and they told him about the new puppies that were brought in. "I am here to get my new dog. I was here last night and you said new puppies were brought in" he said as she nodded.

They walked into the back and in one of the cages were three baby pitbulls. Two of them were all black while the smaller one was white. Crouching down Wally held his hand out as the white one waddled over and sniffed his hand. "Awe can I have this one?" He asked sounding like a little kid. The lady nodded and grabbed the dog for him as they walked back to the front. Everything was sorted out as he now walked down the sidewalk holding the little puppy in his arms.

It was quite adorable to say the least. The apartment complex allowed pets which was good. The puppy didn't make a sound besides licking him the entire time. When going back up to the apartment he opened the door to see Artemis and Dick inside. "Oh shit" he whispered to himself before hiding the small animal in his sweater. "I didn't know you guy's were here. I thought we were going to his house" he said trying hard not to laugh as he crossed his arms over his chest. The puppy was wriggling around which was making it hard for him not to laugh.

Artemis could tell something was off by the way he was standing. "Where's the thing you were getting for Dick? I also thought you said you were meeting us at his house" she said glaring hard at the red head. Dick was standing behind her making funny faces at his best friend who was struggling to stay calm. A tiny bark came from his jacket. "What was that?" Artemis asked looking around. "I barked like a dog because you look so good" he said as Dick was dying where he stood.

Artemis glared and began walking towards her boyfriend. "Take it and don't hurt me!" He yelled pulling the pure white puppy out and holding it towards her. She stopped and her eyes immediately softened. "Awe Wally its adorable" she said taking the puppy and gushing at it cuteness. He immediately let out a relieved sigh before her glare returned. "Its not that I don't love the dog but where did you get it?" She asked as Dick just about had it. He burst out laughing his ass off at the two.

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