Chapter 69

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     It rang during the day, his phone. He was the only one home, his wife busy in a biology course at the university. She wouldn't be home for an hour or so - the phone wouldn't stop ringing. Finally he reached over and answered it, he knew who it was. "Hello father, I was in the shower." he lied, why wouldn't he? This man was far from his father as far could be.

"Kaldur, how nice of you to answer my calls. I was in town hoping we could discuss something's. Dinner with you and my daughter-in-law at eight? I'll send a car to pick you two up, don't keep me waiting." his father said, the last thing he said sounded vaguely like a threat.

     Before he could say anything the line went dead, Roquette was going to kill him. "You did what?" she yelled when he told her three hours later. She arrived later than he thought she would. Already she looked as if she were about to explode with anger. "He doesn't know I'm pregnant, I want to keep it that way." she seethed flicking him in the forehead. Kaldur didn't want his father to know about one baby let alone two. Now they had four hours until the driver would pick them up and take them to wherever.

      Knowing the kind of man his 'father' was this place wasn't going to be like McDonald's. "You're lucky I love you." she mumbled before heading upstairs to take a shower. The car indeed picked you up and the driver was nonetheless intimidating. The large man didn't breathe a word the whole ride leaving the atmosphere to be thick and uncomfortable. "Welcome to the Cat's Eye." the driver said opening the door for them.

     Many people turned their heads to gaze curiously at them when they stepped inside of the club. She felt his arm snake around her waist pulling her flush against his side as they walked through. The atmosphere was heavy and dark - the two of them most certainly didn't belong in a place like this. "My son, you've arrived. I see my daughter-in-law has accompanied you, beautiful." his father approached them and gently brought her hand to his lip to kiss it.

     She could see where Kaldur got some of his formalities from. "Come, this way." David said leading them to a room blocked off by a velvet rope. There were a few people in the back room, most she didn't recognize. One of them she did though, Vicki Vale. The reporter's eyes lit up, a smirk on her face when she saw the two of them. Already Roquette could see the headlines for tomorrow's report. "Excuse me for a moment I need to use the ladies room?" she excused herself and headed towards the nearby washroom.

     Along the way she bumped into Vicki, as she apologized she managed to steal her recorder and cellphone from her purse. Of course she wasn't proud of this skill she gained from the past but sometimes it was useful. The door to the washroom opened as Vicki swept inside. "It's funny what you see undercover in a club like this; America's Olympian and his trophy wife waltzing around the Cat's Eye getting cozy with the pirate of the sea? Well I find that quite interesting." Vicki smirked at her in the mirror.

"I thought reporter's need proof? It's hard to get it when you don't have a phone or recorder." she showed the woman a glimpse of the stolen items in her purse.

"That's stealing!" the redhead shouted.

     Roquette strutted up to her and gave her a cold hard look, one that would send shivers down the spines of the most feared criminals. "Listen here you bitch, I am not a trophy wife, you don't know what I am. However I will do anything to protect the man I love and I mean anything. Run along Ms. Vale, and take your toys with you."


     Four days had past since Megan had last seen Sam, perhaps it was for the better. However that didn't stop Peggy from dragging her to this double date. "You can't go bowling for a date." Megan had her eyes narrowed and arms crossed. Her ideas for a date let alone a double date did not involve bowling. If she was being honest she was trash at bowling which is why she never went. Peggy was just trying to embarrass her now. "I'm going to go get ready, you have fun with - this." she said gesturing to the green ointment covering Peggy's face, she looked like a zombie in her opinion.

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