Chapter 14

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Now the two of them were a little worried. "Baby what does the boy look like?" Zatanna asked as Mar'i looked down with a frown. "Am I in trouble?" She asked as Dick and her sighed. "No baby we're just worried" she said as Mar'i nodded. "His hair is like mine but it's really short" Mar'i said as the two of them sighed. This wasn't helping whatsoever. "He also calls me stupid"

"And he says he knows you Daddy" she said.

"How old is he sunshine?" He asked in a worried tone.

"He's my age and don't worry he's my friend!" She said happily.

"Baby we don't want you hanging with the boy anymore" Zatanna said in a soft voice.

Tears welled in the girls eyes underneath her sunglasses. "But Mommy he's my only friend" she cried out as Dick and Zatanna shot each other desperate looks. "Well Daddy so you have anything to say?" Zatanna grit through her teeth as he put his hands up in surrender. "Uh um maybe you should get us to meet him" he said as Mar'i shook her head.

The food came as the waitress raised an eyebrow. "She's having a crisis you know how it is with school" Dick said lying through his teeth as the waitress smiled. "I can't get you to meet him because he doesn't want you seeing him" she said as the two parents sighed. "So I was thinking we could go to the Aquarium this weekend with Auntie Artemis and Uncle Wally" he said as Mar'i's sniffling stopped. "Yay!" She exclaimed.

It didn't take a lot to make the little girl happy again. "Want to have some French fries Mommy?" Mar'i asked holding a fry out to her. "Oh why thank you" she said taking the fry and eating it. Dick had a small smile on his face as he stared at the two. When they finished eating the two of them groaned seeing it pouring rain. "Okay we run on three" he said picking up Mar'i.

The condominium was only down the street from here. "Three!" He yelled as they all ran out into the rain. With his other hand he reached out and took Zatanna's in with his. When running into the building they were panting and laughing. The three of them were soaked to the bone as they rode up the elevator. "Can I go to bed?" Mar'i asked with a yawn.

Zatanna untied her running shoes and took the girls rain jacket. "Goodnight baby" she whispered kissing the girls forehead. "Daddy can you take me to bed?" Mar'i asked holding her hand out to him as he took it. "I always will sunshine" he said as they walked out of the front foyer. Zatanna took her rain jacket off as well hanging up the two. It honestly wasn't that late and she wasn't really tired.

Walking into the kitchen she grabbed an already open bag of chips. "Really I told him these were mine!?" She whisper yelled to herself. Rolling her eyes she then walked into the living room and fell onto the couch. Since it was raining this hard none of the channels worked. "Great" she grumbled popping a chip into her mouth. "Great what? You sound disappointed" Dick said with a smirk.

It didn't help that the white shirt of his uniform was soaked and sticking to his body. "Television doesn't work cause' of the rain" she said as he sat down next to her. "Ew Dick you're soaked" she said as he smirked wrapping her in a hug. "Dick!" She yelled as a giggled escaped her lips. "Sorry I can't help it" he laughed out. Then they just sat there; his arms wrapped around her as she sat in between his legs.

It was silent as he rested his chin on top of her head. "Your a good Mom Zee" he said softly as she blushed. The compliments really weren't needed. "Your a good Dad" she said back as it went quiet again. A loud clap of thunder followed by a strike of lightning filled their ears. Mar'i's loud scream of terror had them up and running to her bedside.

She was never really fond of thunderstorms. "You okay sunshine?" Dick asked as she nodded. "Yeah it just scared me but I'll be okay" she whispered as they nodded.

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