Chapter 26

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That mysterious note still boggled her mind even after class. She had a lot of homework to do. She would also have to text Artemis soon about the project they had to do. That entire newspaper wasn't going to write itself. Currently she was on her way to the hospital. Mar'i was getting discharged later tonight. For the past couple of days she had been doing her homework there. She checked in and got her visitor's pass before going up the elevator.

When the doors open she stepped out into the hallway. It was white from ths floor to the ceilings. She never understood why they were white and probably would never know. Walking into the room a small smile came to her face. Mar'i and Damian were curled up next to each other fast asleep. If Dick saw this he would've been fuming. Stephanie noticed her as she waved hello. "Hey Zee" she whispered as Zatanna took her seat next to the blond. The room was quite silent.

"Hey Stephanie. How was she today?" Zatanna asked in a low whisper.

"Still not talking and even the little brat tried to cheer her up" Stephanie said as she sighed.

"Not even Damian could get her to talk?" she asked as Stephanie frowned and nodded.

Zatanna was really beginning to worry for her. Then again her and Dick were well experienced with traumas such as the Mar'i had endured. Dick watched his parents fall to their deaths in front of him and she found her father dead. It wasn't long until the girls eyes fluttered open. "Hey Mar'i" Zatanna said in a soothing voice. Her hand resting on the girls as she squeezed it comfortingly. "I'm just going to run to the washroom quickly" Stephanie said standing up and leaving. Damian's eyes immediately opened as he sat up. Short dark hair sticking up every which way.

A yawn escaped his lips as he stretched his arms out. "Shouldn't you be getting home Damian?" Zatanna asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Tt. Father could care less about my whereabouts" he spat as Mar'i frowned.

This kid was quite bitter and had zero social skills. Then again Zatanna nor Dick knew a lot about him. She noticed a look in Mar'i's eyes. Something inside of her made a smile crack onto her lips. They had such an adorable kid romance and it was so cute. "Can-can you tell us a story?" Mar'i's voice was small as she spoke. Gaze returned to her lap as she picked at the tape on her wrist that held the IV down. At first this took Zatanna by surprise.

"Okay then um-oh I got one! Once upon a time there was a Princess who went to school. Now this Princess was quite intelligent as she got to skip a grade. One day a boy with dark hair and the bluest of blue eyes approached her. At first she was quite nervous for he was a Prince from another kingdom" she said as Mar'i's eyes lit up.

"They would talk from time to time for they only had that one class together. About a week later the Prince approached her again. He had invited her to eat lunch with her which she gladly accepted the offer. The Princess made plenty of new friends with people she thought she would never speak to. Slowly their attraction grew for each other and he finally asked her to attend a film with him-" Zatanna then got cut off.

"This story makes no sense. What is so special about a Prince and a Princess?" Damian asked with his arms crossed.

Mar'i frowned before punching him in the shoulder and glaring hard at him. Zatanna continued the story until it got to a rocky part. There was a scared look on both Damian and Mar'i's faces.

"The Princess ran inside of the palace which was home to the Prince. Tears were in her eyes as she ran over to him. For the Prince had been injured while trying to protect his dear friends. This scared the Princess as she cried and cried. Occasionally slapping him in the face as well-" it was Mar'i's turn to cut her off.

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