Chapter 7

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     There was a knock at the door a couple day's later as she got up off of the couch. Her shoulder still hurt like hell but she would live through it. Opening the door a lady stood there in a suit holding a little child in her arms. "Hello?" Zatanna asked slightly confused. Dick didn't tell her that there was going to be any visitors. "Is Mr. Grayson home?" The lady asked as Zatanna shook her head. Now this was definitely weird to say the least. "May we come in until Mr.Grayson gets back" the lady said giving her a menacing stare.

The little child was quiet but she was undeniably adorable. There was something off about her though. When she got a good look at her eyes they were a solid emerald green. "What uh what?" She stammered as the lady put the toddler down on the floor. "Its a genetic defect, it doesn't blind her but it makes her look different from the other's" the lady said as Zatanna nodded still confused as to why this lady was here. "I don't mean to be rude but why are you here?" She asked finally.

The lady turned around and placed the clipboard down on the kitchen counter. "This is Mar'i, Mar'i Grayson" the lady said as her mouth hung open for a moment. She had to take all of this in for a minute. For the next two hours she sat on the floor playing with the little kid. "I'm gonna getcha!" Zatanna said chasing Mar'i in circles as the toddler giggled with glee. Dick was currently on his way back as he rode up the elevator quietly. The door knob jiggled as he opened the door and walked in.

Taking his hat off and hanging it on the hook by the door he stretched. "Zee I'm back!" He yelled before hearing awkward coughing. "Mr. Grayson" an unfamiliar lady said holding her hand out to him. Raising an eyebrow he shook her hand. "We have much to discuss" she said as he followed her into the living room. Zatanna was in there on the floor playing with a little girl. Something was off considering the toddler's eyes were a solid emerald green. It was like they were glowing but they weren't actually.

Zatanna glanced over before rising to her feet. "I'll just take her to my room" she said picking the toddler up and quickly vacating the room. "Who are you and why is there a toddler in my house?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Well Mr. Grayson this is your daughter. Her mother Kori Anders got in an accident resulting in the loss of her memory. You are now to be her caretaker since you're her father" the lady said as his blood ran cold. Bruce was so going to kill him.

The lady continued to talk as he got up and began pacing around. Running a hand through his dark hair he sighed. "So you expect me to just keep her here?" He asked thinking how much shit he was going to be in. It was bad enough that he was not even eighteen yet but to have a kid? "Bruce Wayne signed off on this himself. He wishes to inform you that you will be keeping the child here and to learn from your mistakes" she said before clicking her pen and turning on her heel. "Have a nice day Mr. Grayson" she said before leaving.

At that moment he was just about to faint as he took a seat on the couch. "Dick are you okay?" Zatanna asked walking in with the child in her arms. "So you're not going to kill me?" He asked with his head in his hands. "Nope. Your lucky I had as long as I did to cool down" she said as Mar'i frowned. So far the toddler hadn't said any words. "Anyways I'm going to run a bath for our little guest while you soak everything in" she said before leaving the room. Zatanna's shoulder hurt a bit but she just shrugged it off. Sitting Mar'i on the toilet seat as she turned on the bath.

When it was warm enough she took Mar'i's dirty clothes off and sat her in the bathtub. Kneeling on the floor she watched as Mar'i splashed her hands in the water. Even with her peculiar eyes it didn't matter. The kid was still super adorable. Using her good arm she scrubbed Mar'i with lavender soap and then washed her long dark hair. "What am I supposed to do with her?" Dick asked making her jump slightly. He was leaning against the washroom door frame. "Dick she's your daughter take responsibility for once" Zatanna scolded standing up and grabbing a fluffy towel.

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