Chapter 8: Just Dial My Number Already

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"They call you crybaby, crybaby," I hum to myself as I grab more of my clothes to throw into my large suitcase. "'Cause you don't even care..."

I grab a pair of ripped jeans and study them. Should I take them with me? After a few seconds, I shrug and throw them on my large bed.

I sigh as I scan my room only to see clothes, other of my belongings strewn all over the room. My laptop is probably under a few of my clothes on my bed. Now my phone on the other hand...

"Phone, phone, where are you?" I mutter to myself as I look around my room and pick up a few clothes from the floor to look for it.

Just as I'm on my stomach, about to crawl under the bed, I hear my door burst open before being shut close. My head shoots up, hitting something hard in the process. I can feel my brain rattling inside my skull as my thoughts scatter, spots dancing before me. I think I just forgot my name.

I have no idea what the thing that hurt me is called, but it's the thing that holds the bed from smashing my face like a pancake.

I groan to myself as I can practically see little swirls behind my eyelids and taste pain in my mouth, even though that's impossible.

"Uh, Jordan... Was that your head that made... That thudding noise?" Trevor's voice calls out as I can basically hear the grimace in his voice.

"No..." I answer slowly, flinching in pain at the sound of my voice, "Hold on, I think I'm seeing the light... to my oncoming doom."

I lay my head on the carpeted floor as I close my eyes; I can hear Trevor walking closer to the spot that I'm resting on. I breath in and out slowly, even breathing made my head hurt more.

"Do I... Want to know why you're about to crawl under your bed?" he questions.

"Probably not, but you could help me getting up," I answer, the throbbing on my head slowly going away. Not as fast as I'll like it to go, but it's making process.

I hear him sigh before he finally grabs my legs and successfully pulls me farther away from under my bed.

"Not too fast," I protest, the throbbing in my head intensifying slightly.

He sniggers. "That's what she said," he mutters before letting go off my feet. I flinch as my feet hit the ground.

"Not to you," I mutter, closing my eyes.

He ignores my comment as he hovers over me. "Are you okay?" he asks worriedly.

"I'll live," I reply simply as I roll over so that I'm facing the ceiling this time. "Hey, can you call my phone, I lost it somewhere in this room of mine."

He snorts, glancing around my room before taking out his phone from his back pocket. "Your room is messier that my room and Ty's combined," he comments.

"Just dial my number already," I tell him, kicking his shoe lightly.

"Don't kick me," he protests before he puts the phone up to his ear.

I roll my eyes, not replying this time. My pain finally fading. A few minutes pass and he shakes his head. "I'm calling but it keeps leading me to voicemail," he finally speaks, shaking his head before shooting me a look, "Which by the way, you need to change," he adds, raising his eyebrows at me.

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