Chapter 16: Asfdghjkl... That Was Me Fangirling

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I don't know why but I feel like its my mission to irritate him as much as I can. I don't want to feel homesick or anything but I really do miss my brothers and friends and everything else. Besides his reactions are quite amusing. And maybe, just maybe I feel like I'm talking with Trevor again.

"So then I go blah blah blah blah-"

"Please... Stop talking, Jordan," Jake pleads, as he shuts his eyes shut for a second before giving me an exasperated look.

I don't bother rolling my eyes as I just smile patiently at him. I know this is irritating him since that's something guys hate a lot. When girls talk more than they should and guys are forced to listen to their ranting or rambling. At least, according to Ronnie.

"But why should I? I mean my voice isn't horrible and I feel really-"

"If I cry will you stop?" He interrupts me, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

I hesitate, yes, hesitate. "...I'll consider it," I finally tell him.

He grins at me and I can practically see his eyes sparkling for a few seconds before he gives me a blank stare. "No," he says.

"Boo, you suck." I pout, booing him.

"And you swallow," he fires back.

"You didn't deny the fact though."

"Neither did you."

"You're despicable."

"Right back at you, love."

"Frustrating moron."

"Over-the-top weirdo."

"I see no insult in that line."

"Then you should probably get some glasses."

"Whatever, I'd look better in them than you would ever."

"Aw, did I irritate the blondie?" He pouts at me, as if that would soften the blow or something.

I don't bother replying as I mutter incoherent things under my breath. He merely smirks as he pushes a door open that leads us to the soccer field. I try to squint at the sudden brightness. I frown, wondering why the sun was still warm and... Bright if it's October.

Oh that's right, because global warming is happening.

There's a few people loitering around in the stands and field. They are either laughing and chattering or playing soccer. The cheerleading squad is there too yet I don't see Kayla or Cara.

I suddenly look at Jake and hold my arms out, giving him a hopeful look. "Piggyback ride?"

He smiles. "Sure!" he exclaims excitedly but before I can get on his back, he walks towards me.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Wait, what are you-" but before I can finish my sentence, the air is knocked out of me as he tries to hop on my back. I stumble forward and start spewing out insults in Spanish and English.

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